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Everything posted by reef

  1. reef


    all anemoes need light and lots of current, The green anemoes coming in are nice floro green with nice bubbles.
  2. reef


    They do come in, however very small and expensive. There are some nice green bubbles due in a few weeks. very nice
  3. reef


    The anemoes at hollywoods are fine, they came in as white
  4. reef


    No need to test the theory. I already said that all people I know of have cyno and they all use NSW. Nsw might have some type of bacteria in it or maybe it is the extra nutrients from run off. Mind you, when I was using sea water I did not get cyno. Might be the dirty water at Takapuna beach.
  5. No way is she touching my reef. she is practising on my sump and the quarantine facility at this stage.
  6. I did not mean to be rude, but i am keen on seeing a impressive tank from australia, that tank does not compare anywere near the standard i am looking for, especially when you have the reef at your doorstep. The tank looks still new and it looks like it has a high organics in the water due to the algae/cyno in the tank. Maybe it is a skimmless tank or has a very small skimmer. Would like to see tank specs?? I will get my master piece up once i clean the front glass.
  7. You are correct, certainly doesn’t look impressive at all. however the acro colours are nice. Do you have tank specs, Looks like lots of cyno, how old is the tank??
  8. are there any decent australian reef tanks. i still have not seen any on the net. Or are they all DIY.
  9. Yellow tang vary, but the last lot was about $160nzd and $130 for a flame, So there is not much difference in imported stock.
  10. Aussie is not that much cheaper either. They are cheaper because marines are collected from the reef. Have you seen prices of imported stock like yellow tangs, flame angels, our prices compare very well? Our 3 week quarantine affects the prices quite a lot due to power, maf/customs costs, deaths etc. We are very lucky with the variety of stock we get. Some people just don’t appreciate what it takes to get it. America buys so much that they don’t care if they kill a few hundred pieces per shipment.
  11. reef

    Zeovit Updates

    I think there are still a few hobbyist using it in new zealand.. So far all the tanks i have seen using it dont look any different from when they were not using it. Zeovit has been marketed very well so i quess when all the hype is over it will be just another product that removes Nitrate. People make so many changes too their tanks so it is hard to see if zeovit coloured up acropora or all the changes like making weekly water changes when in the past they only did it once a month. The key to success is zero nitrate , phostphate and a few fish. .
  12. No one said you had to spend $4500 for a skimmer, I just mentioned that is what I spend and I was very happy with it. My skimmer has a 300mm tube and pulls in 2100L/H of air. Let’s see an aqua c do that. Aqua c really over rate their skimmer, how can a ev1000 do a 4000l tank when my deltec is 3 times the size and is also rated for a 4000l tank. You pay for quality If you are going to spend $1300 look at getting a Deltec turbo 1060 or a Ap 850
  13. reef

    instant ocean

    the article is outdated, lots of the salt mixes have changed since the test was done. also note all the best saltmixes are made by aquacraft who did the article.
  14. The Deltec mce600 will be on the edge of its capacity. you will have to upgrade the skimmer to a larger model. there are no larger hang on skimmers. The lighting will be ok , however would recommend 250w. water current will have to be increase by a lot, depends what size pumps your as using currently. if you are using 3xeheim 1060s, then it is ok. but if they are smaller you will need more current. also having a sump should be looked at, so you can put your heaters in and skimmer etc. water volume would be incresed which is all good.
  15. have you been eating too much much nori. Whats your point??
  16. A that price i would not class them as skimmers, more like toys. a good skimmer will cost around $700-$1000. might seem much but at the end of the day this is the most important filtration. My skimmer cost $4500 . it is worth every cent.
  17. reef


    use it all the time to clean the toilet.
  18. reef


    Here is a tank with no substrate
  19. reef


    That is why when using natural seawater you have a high chance of getting cyno. Protein skimmer can not remove everything. Chimera, see if you can extend your budget for a month and buy some salt. Be interested to see if the cyno goes after one month using synthetic salt water.
  20. reef


    The substrate is important as all your small snails , copods etc will need it to feed . why have no substrate.
  21. reef


    people that use natural seawater do have cyno to a degree. they are, mark, nick,steve.chris.chimera, anyone else i missed. i cant comment on the guys on RC as i have not seen there tank specs. steve atkins had cyno until he use synthetic salt water.
  22. reef


    no substrate, why would you not put a substrate in, the ocean has a substrate.
  23. reef


    cyno will go away if you dont use natural seawater//
  24. reef


    dont use natural sea water, it will go away if you use synthetic salt water.
  25. reef


    .5ppm is not low phostphates.
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