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Everything posted by Rozski

  1. Yeah thats good way of putting it Cam. In my 170 litre, with 5 hatchetts, a pair of blue rams and a dwindling population of cardinals (down to 8 and 1 neon now, see my thread in diseases. Only lost cardinals and all the rummies, hasn't affected my other fish) Don't really want to disturb them ryanjury. Parents might abandon what I leave :-? They're doing such a good job, not to mention where they are now I can't see, let alone jam a siphon down there. If they fail, and spawn again in future, I might try it then, but not this time.
  2. From what I have read on the net, they often make good parents (compared to rams anyway!) Not entirely sure how to sex, the guy I got them off did it for me. Gave me 2 females and a male. I remember him saying males having a more pointed dorsal fin. Both my girls were smaller too (but thats obviously not definitive) and the girl who has just bred has gone a very dark, velvety charcoal colour. And they don't seem that aggro. 100% peaceful when not breeding. They are chasing other fish away from the wrigglers now, but not forcing the fish into one corner of the tank or anything. Just the odd "get away!" chase and return.
  3. Shifted again. Went to see and they've hidden them behind the driftwood under the plants in the shade. Can't see wrigglers, but then I can't see anything. The parents are so attentive. Male sitting there, guarding, female chasing away other fish, then they would change over and the female guards and the male would cruise around for a bit. Can you tell I've never had anything successfully spawn before? Quite exciting for lil ole me
  4. Too cute! I checked them before the lights went out earlier tonight, and they'd decided the gravel wasn't good, and shifted all the wrigglers to the other side of that round rock and lined them all up in a group on the driftwood. Still a big bunch of them at the moment.
  5. Just went to check on them, and was like, awwww, the eggs have been eaten, but they've actually hatched and just left shells. Not sure where all the wrigglers are. Theres a bit of java moss next to the stone where the eggs were laid, and mama flag looks like shes deposited at least some of them down under there, as I could see a couple of wrigglers on the gravel. Hopefully theres more out of sight. Both parents still look attentive
  6. Still fanning away, they are being good parents so far How long do the eggs take to hatch?
  7. hehe, it was actually stuck in a spiders web. Had one tendril of web stuck to its butt (which i crappily shopped out, shhh) and it buzzed around angrily whilst anchored
  8. Similar to most others lol - Canon 350D, with a Tamron 90mm macro lens, and my dads ring flash
  9. Dredging up an old thread, coz I have pics to share Partner snapped these the other day 8) Yes, it was alive
  10. not to my knowledge, and I thought cardinals didn't get neon tetra disease? And not when Rummies get exactly the same lesions. One more cardinal missing this morning. Dwarfs still happily fanning eggs lol
  11. They came from a local pet store. I have talked to them and stuff is taken care of 8) They had a problem with one of their suppliers
  12. Have you had any problems since then? Did you restock your neons? Just thinking ahead to when I'll want to restock...
  13. My male and the larger female have been looking amorous over the past few days, and they obviously had their third date this arvo: The person I got them off said their pair raised young in a community tank, so might leave them to it this time (and have them probably eat the eggs, but ah well) I like it when things spawn, even if no babies come out of it 8)
  14. Thanks Caper Some of the fish developed that pale saddle-back lesion that I think is only seen with columnaris. I theived this photo from iisfaq (thread further down the Disease forum page) That top left one is a perfect example Last Rummy died this morning, he didn't show any signs. Lost 2 cardinals yesterday in my main tank, but none today so far. And my Dwarf Flags decided now would be a great time to spawn lol. Currently guarding eggs at one end of the tank :lol:
  15. Losses in my big tank yesterday were 1 cardinal, and the other cardinal that I put in my nano with the rummies that was showing the saddleback. From the 10 rummies (5 by the time I put them in the nano) there is one lonely one left swimming around the nano. His remaining 4 mates expired yesterday. This one had no signs this morning. Maybe I have 1 super-immune rummy. Or he'll be dead when I get home :roll: Big tank had no fish with visible signs this morning, so hopefully its slowing down. Will see when I get home.
  16. Haha cool video. I need to get one of my girl fetching. She can do it for hours, shes so obsessed with it! Really only scrunched up paper though, she ignores all the cat toys :roll: The boy I had before her could open doors, I have a video of that somewhere
  17. Neons I think, theres a thread further down the Disease forums 1st page Just tonic salted and melafixed. Man I am scared to put stuff in my tank lol. I'm thinking... all at once? All that salt? I dissolved 4 tablespoons and have put that in. Will add the other 3T later
  18. Just picked up some aquarium salt and Melafix to help out as well. Hopefully it will stick to the cardinals and rummies only and not jump to the flags, rams or hatchets. ryanjury, the Maracyn mentioned in that article contains a form of tetracyline. I do not think we can get Maracyn in NZ, and so I thought getting another form of tetracycline would be the next best thing, and something soluble like the doxycycline I am getting sounded appropriate. I spoke to the the guy who deals with the fish at our LFS (who I knew before he worked there too) and he agreed with its use. I am not just going to dump it in my big tank either. Only one cardinal in there today that showed signs and I have taken it out, so will see what else happens and go from there. Starting with the Melafix and salt first. But as to what antibiotic to use, the info on the net ranges very widely lol. The name Maracyn was what kept popping up though, and Maracyn 2 seems to be recommended for columnaris.
  19. Its columnaris Rummies are showing that characteristic saddleback lesion now. And one of the cardinals in my big tank has one too. Have ordered some soluble doxycyline to try and treat with, should be here tomorrow. Time to go huddle in a corner and feel like crap...
  20. Thanks for the thoughts guys I am guessing virus or bacteria too... Checked the breathing just before, everything in the big tank is breathing fine. Have transferred the remaining 5 rummies (damn quick buggers) into my nano tank, as it was empty and they seemed the hardest species hit. They are breathing a bit quicker, but they are in a new tank now. Really hoping its not something as nasty as columnaris, tho there are no external signs (and I have looked closely) but says online it can occasionally show no signs... but would they look sick? My fish are seriously bright. The male ram is actually looking reading for breeding again in all his colour. Water came from outside bucket that had stood prior to being used. And as to pH, its always low, and I think thats ok due to having the rams and cardinals which also like it a bit lower. Bristlenoses are the wild card here too, they are the hardiest fish in the tank and were dead. Fingers crossed for no more deaths PS. Just did a small water change, 20 L, as it couldn't hurt. Might continue to do so for the next few days.
  21. Just did a check, same results as always: pH 6.5 Ammonia and Nitrites both 0 Nitrates at about 15
  22. I doubt lack of water changes is the reason though. Rummies noses are still bright and I believe they'd go dull if water quality was an issue? plus the fact they are now dropping dead AFTER I did a change... Have seen some on here that don't water change that often either
  23. No I didn't quarantine, please don't lecture, don't think I am not kicking myself for it anyway, its too late now. Would like to find out WHATS wrong and what I could do to help. Yonks, ummm, maybe 2-3 months? Gets water topups though. And heaps of plants in there. Had tested the nitrates back then prior to a water change and they were fine, so thought the tank was sitting at a relative equilibrium with all the plants. I think I have lost cardinals too. I think I had 18 plus 2 neons and can only count 16 total now. Going to cry soon at the thought all my fish are going to die
  24. Unless I just have a curse. I advertised the Rummies on trademe last week. They didn't sell, but seriously? Had 10, and have had for months, and I advertise them and they start dropping like flies????
  25. My big community tank, all happy, healthy for months. I add 6 new cardinals last week Tuesday, all seems well. Do the first waterchange for yonks (only about 25 litres, in a 170 litre tank) on Saturday (I think, may have been Fri). First Rummynose dead on Monday. I think "ah, that must have been the one that got sucked up the siphon and bumped around." Tuesday, another 2 Rummies dead. Today, another one down. Tonight, another Rummy dead and both my adult bristlenoses dead. All Rummies have bright red noses, and all fish swimming around happy. Also cardinals, rams, dwarf flags and hatchets in the tank.... Whats going on? I know it may have been the new fish or the water change that caused it, but what is IT ??
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