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Everything posted by Aquagold

  1. Number of eggs laid by age Year Eggs 0 1 6 2 20 3 12 4 16 5 25 6 10 7 10 8 8 9 6 10 4 11 4 12 2 13 0 From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopard_gecko As with any commercial animal venture, time, money and animals, are needed to get started. Once your established it's alot easier after that. Main thing is having the original money and time to invest. NZ is a small market and so requires only a couple of growers to supply demand to start with. Hobby breeders will then supply industry with some but main breeders will keep the supply going on a more continuous basis and get slightly more than any hobby grower. I have always believed there needed to be a couple of commercial reptile breeders in NZ who could handle supply and MAF...
  2. Would be nice to see a couple of main breeders breeding these properly and seeing the price come down so that the main cost is the setup. In the pet hobby the cost of keeping ones pets is the 'everything' else we need. I actually have a business and farm implementation plan some where I did up for someone.
  3. For there needs to be any concerted effort into breeding different colour morphs, there will need to be someone who is willing and able to devote the time and resources neccassary for such a thing to happen. Still from what I hear they breed well and make great pets. And, not wanting to start another off topic debate , it will need to be someone who knows a thing or two about genetics and one who is willing to cull that which is not up to scratch or explain the situation to a prospective client. Most of the time in NZ we see someone doing it more to get 'rich' and not be concerned about the long term viability of the industry.... I look forward to the time when I too have a pair producing young for friends and family to enjoy. Rob
  4. I could do you a couple of 3' tanks which are already drilled and ready for plumbing up. $120 for both. Take your pick from 25 of them... Rob
  5. Hi I'm just seeting up another 4' tank. You got one going yet? Robert Foster
  6. Seems to be lots of things..... coming in these days but trying to do it legally and expensively just don't work.... can see why. I would like to see them here but would prefer them to be done properly so we don't get the problems they have overseas.... A quick profit is one thing but a sustainable industry is another. I would prefer to look after the industry and the rest flows. 5cents worth. Rob@Aquagold
  7. Mine currently don't have a heater and are doing fine, pairing up and laying....
  8. The female was showing signs of not being far off so all the best with those two.
  9. You guys should've been here!!!! Cupboards overflowed, sidewalks cracked, 2 buildings collapsed, fish room overflowed, people fleeing scared of tsunami......... So much fun....... adrenilin pumping stuff....
  10. If they were bred they would still give a dedicated frog grower aan excellent little earner even if NZ was the market which I would think not. Other closer markets would would pay ALOT more than here.
  11. Let the local DOC know as they would be very interested in knowing where different fish stocks are showing up.
  12. The main fish to get is the Blue/ Black Moor as most NZ Moors have too much red in them hence the reason they go red after a while. The blue is the base colour for the black moor instead of red. You might even try a blue Moor with a White. Do you have the Goldfish Genetics Book? It may help you realise more.
  13. Try a Blue/Black Moor and an albino moor. Most white moors come from red moor stock. Still a white moor over the Blue/Black Moor might also produce the tri-colour demekins you see overseas. Hope this helps. If you get good results let me know as I'll buy 2000 off you.
  14. These fish shown earlier are very good quality fish which rarely come available in NZ. Most of the Pandas in NZ lose the markings inside and with age.
  15. Looks like we could have a list of 'All that goes wrong in fish keeping'. The ones I highlighted were thing the owner could look at to maximise their chance in keeping a particular fish/s. Rob
  16. What do you do when you quarantine new fish? Or do you quarantine at all. I was thinking the other day that there was three most often resulting occurances of fish fatality. What causes it. 1. Not quarantining new stock. 2. Not keeping the water parameters in the right levels. 3 Not feeding the right quality food. What are your thoughts? Rob @Aquagold
  17. Great bit of advise! Find out what species you have and then what are it's requirements. My way of looking st it is like this; f the fish are happy, I'm happy. Just like a marriage....
  18. I know the feeling. Plumbed up an extension on a 30,000 ltr Paua Farm but didn't remember to turn the isolating valve when I checked for any leaks..... It leaked alright..... and the pressure against the opposite wall had it nearly hitting the pipes from where it came from..... 10m away.... Only lost a 1000 odd litres, an hours work to clean up and a change of clothes.... all seawater shpped to the recirculation farm too... Make sure you learn from your mistakes.....
  19. Corner Sealed bags from Northflex Holdings Auckland. See Yellow Pages. Tell them I sent you. Rob @Aquagold
  20. Thanks to the organisers for such a great excuse to meet more excellent fish people. Am looking forward to more events. Found out Bristlenose and Cories can stand 17 degrees but Angels and Rummy Noses can't...... why was that pump off and the kids' fan heater on... Thanks again everyone, well done. Robert Foster Aquagold Ltd
  21. That second one Catbrat is a cool looking cat. I'd be into a few of them.
  22. Great thread! Interesting discussion and good to see the points being made. Shops do like to deal from one supplier who can supply most of all that they want. This makes it simplier and less time consuming - time is money... or pay for the convenience.... The other fact is if you are willing to wait 6 weeks to get paid and have $30,000 owing in creditors and hoping everyone is going to pay so you can pay the people you owe money too because if you don't get paid and you still pay the people you owe.... and then you hope you have some left over to feed your family, then there's the IRD.... The shop who recieves fish and pays there and then and then they die losses out if he thinks the fish were not right when they arrived but can't argue his claim with the supplier... Alot of locally bred fish has been inferior quality and yes alot of imported is as bad but the shop keeper is stuck in betwwen trying to supply their customer base something new...... he also has a number of families relying on him to keep them fed, clothed, sheltered... Still as a breeder I would always love more for my stock but I always keep in mind that if I can produce it as cheap as I can then hopefully the customer can buy the fish cheaper from the store and enjoy the hobby like I always have. Rob @Aquagold
  23. A little apple told an orange which told the grape which whispered to me as it fell from grace..... Just wandering how true the whisper was? Whispers can be taken wrongly sometimes and come from a firm foundation.
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