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Everything posted by Aquagold

  1. Good to see!!!!! We got; Red Ears Beardies Bluey's Am looking for another male Beardy if anyone has one too. Let's see the price for these guys come down so kids can enjoy them, seeing they can't go out and grad a common Skink anymore. Rob @Aquagold.
  2. http://srac.tamu.edu/ has most of the info on water issues. Feed up broodstock now with good quality food to get fat levels up and winter over. Put spawning mops into pond to collect eggs when water warms. Raise only the best fish.
  3. Spawning occurs at night. Several batches of eggs are serially deposited in an egg-scattering fashion and should be removed to a secure net or container. These hatch within 3 days. Another report suggests that over 4000-5000 eggs are laid in several spawnings of a night and that the fish spawn in groups, although the ratio of males to females required is not clear. The fry should be fed small live foods, and then as they grow tubifex worms and eventually catfish tablets. - From Planet Catfish. It looks like your going to be able to supply us all soon if your successful, which I expect you will be. All the best and congrats on finding the stock as this is always the hardest thing. You know of anyone with some adult Cory's available? Mainly after Aeneus- bronze, albino, peppered, sterbia.... Rob @Aquagold
  4. The nutritional content of Daphnia is in the oil content of the Daphnia and the contents of the gut. Hence both the reasons why they "enrich/gut load" artemia to raise marine fry. We freshwater fishers do the same with Daphnia. Do an anatomical study of the live food you are feeding to understand what the fish are actually feeding on. A bit like a spider sucking the contents from a fly......
  5. I would consider a piece of stainless steel wire as I have found copper to be poisonous to water like if the levels get up too much. Came about when someone I know was doing water changes with stormwater from a copper spouting and the fish were dying. Fish were put into creek water and no prob's. All parameters were tested before the move. Copper kills most crustaceans so use as directed....
  6. There is a lot of info on line and I know that Daphnia have more of a nutritional value when grown from bacteria. Only problem canbe maintaining a colony of good quality feed and water conditions for the Daphnia to thrive. We have problems feeding enough food and harvesting enough to keep the critters in the population growth phase. Great food source, under valued and hopefully soon to be developed into a biofuel...... Rob @Aquagold
  7. With Crayfish holding plants the filters are feed to keep them at the active level needed to be able to dump livestock in them at any time. Research has been done to know approximately how much biomass produces how much waste...... there are people who would leave nearly all NZ experts scratching their heads wandering what they were talking about. Your answer may be correct concerning someone but always have an ear to listen.
  8. I know this arguement is now stale but I can assure some out there that, like Caryl, we need to be aware of 'new' things. I was once told 'the mother of all mistakes first started with assumption'. Remember people once declared the world was flat...... I have been working on a theory for the last eight years and are now seeing it come fruition. Theories by themself are hard to make right sometimes but when you combine and put a bit of intuition in you get some interesting results. These lead to so many more possibilities.... Keep your opinions behind the need to learn...
  9. Best ratio is 3-5 males to a couple of females for sure success. Aquagold.
  10. To stop the distractions put a paper around the tank and put an air line by the eggs once they are fertilised. Make the air stream not too strong.
  11. Aquagold

    The Gold Nugget

    If you think the only thing that will be wiped out by the Polar Caps going is the Bear think again. The Polar Caps feed the whole of the world's oceans, rivers..... look at what they create. Man will destroy all that he controls.
  12. For Goldfish you can have 2ppm for health sake long term and 5 to 8 ppm for short term treatment. 2ppm helps in osmoregulation in some freshwater fish. I use 1 handful per 20ltr bucket for several cases. Only leave till it flips over. At this strength it doesn't take long. Salt baths produces production of new slime coat and helps as a laxative. Rob@Aquagold.
  13. Well is anyone willing to say what's coming in so some of us 'Southeners' can get some too?
  14. Aquagold

    Coral Glue??

    Be careful with all new plastic as it does release some toxin.
  15. Aquagold

    Coral Glue??

    Rough up the pipe before you glue with RTV and then adhere. Gives it a bit of footing. Photos when finished too . Rob
  16. Aquagold

    new discus

    What size tank they going into Reef? Feed them variety and watch them grow. I think the natural colours coming out now are good but there are also some very striking hybrid colours as well. All the fun starts when they breed and feed the young..... awesome fish.
  17. Live food can be got in most water ways, its just a matter of learning to find and see where they are hiding. A great way to see what lives in our local water bodies. At this time of the year any sheltered area in a estuary you will find juvenile fish everywhere as well as mysis shrimp. You need nice clear water to find though in any water body. Rob
  18. I think we have all had a bad experience shopping at a shop at some stage but if it continues then we don't go back.... they are a great couple to deal with and they hobbyists who love their work. Their prices are very good as well. Still Christchurch does have the biggest pet ratio per population in NZ...
  19. I have coral rubble 20-25kg sacks $1 per kg plus freight. Does the same thing.
  20. I'm not in Nelson for a while at this stage but I'll take up the invite next time I'm there. Next trip is Christchurch too see our clients there. Am seeting up a 5' tank thsi Christmas for some Port Hoplo's Breeders. These are cool when you've got 50 odd little ones at 1'' long swarming around. Merry Christmas Ben. Rob@Aquagold
  21. Howsit Ben, I used to have the original wild stock that the Auckland Zoo got in. Those ones were huge - 25cm deep - amazing fish but boy did they scrap. Lived in a 6' tank and it was too small for 14 of them. We used to turn the tv off and watch these two males race at each other from both ends...... crazy fish. I thought about a 750 deep tank for them by 8' but we had a baby arrive and the wife wanted the baby to get the attention instaed of the fish.... Ours never spawned but we only had them for a few months. Have you seen the adults? Rob
  22. Come on Cookie, Get them over and show them.... I like your tank alot and it has added bonuses for visitors to take home... Merry Christmas Cookie Rob
  23. If you want these guys to grow feed them plenty of live food ie Daphnia mosquito larvae, bloodworms from the bottom of your pond/water barrel.... I used breed angels 10 yrs ago and got very good growth on the above mentioned plus fish flakes. Bare bottom tank, potted plants and good water keeps them thriving. Has Amazonian got a few more for sale and how much? Have just started doing a few more tropicals again. Rob@Aquagold
  24. Where's a good place to get Potassium permanganate from. Rob
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