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Everything posted by Aquagold

  1. Aquagold


    If everyone is so concerned about the way marines are collected, may i ask a questionthen? How many of you go into a shop and ask for cultured coral or fish? If the hobbyist only wanted cultured stock you would lessen the amount coming in. Only prob is NZ consumes such a small amount. As GARF said ' Save a reef - Grow your own' The locals round here do the same thing but with 'reefers' in mind.......
  2. Aquagold


    Can someone email me who knows how to post photos on here. I will email them if you can post them? Ta
  3. Aquagold


    Am only just getting back into aquariums again as house is nearing finish. Has been quite hard looking at small water volumes again as I have been used to deal with 10's>100's thousand litre systems. Still my lovely wife will only allow 2 (4) tanks inside now........
  4. You WILL NEED a fish room soon. Watch the guppies in the blood!!! This is how we all started.
  5. Aquagold


    Am looking forward to getting to know you all. It's wonderful sharing with people something your so passionate about.
  6. Aquagold


    Hi I'm Robert Foster of Aquagold. Our Business is wholesaling Goldfish axolotyls Guppies ....... Timber Aquarium Stands, Goldfish Food for the grower and plenty of products developing. My experience started with breeding Discus - other tropicals, then got into fancy goldfish - Orandas. We are now getting into marines. I have dealt with aquacultures issues, worked with interest groups, chaired the local aquaculture council, ran a Paua farm and tried to keep up to date with developements in the industry. I look forward to talking with like minded people.
  7. Try a little rock salt/tonic salt. This acts as a little lacitive too. Plus it helps with osmoregulation in freshwater fish. Hence less physical stress to deal with. Bad water fries gills as they are the fishes most sensitive area but also one that heals quick.
  8. Aquagold


    Niwa can be little closed shop. Make sure you have a good algal culture with good Oil levels, this will give you good value rotifers. Once you get it sorted it would be good to have these publicly available.
  9. Aquagold


    Mahurangi Tech in Auckland can get you some cultures or try Cawthron Inst. If not PM and I can try from here. Good luck. Clownfishes by Joyce D. Wilkerson is a good starting book.
  10. I was talking with mike the other day he said they were using a company in Singapore (I think) for their acrylic work. It would be closer.
  11. TALK TO MIKE MURPHY IN AUCKLAND. He is excellent to deal with. Filtration give me a email.
  12. Hi there New member to this forum. Be careful when you read some of the sale figures in publications as the price per kilo is high. I ran a paua farm in Gisborne and done quite a bit of research on the market, the return for stock input is up there. Good luck to htem on the other species though much easier.
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