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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Ask Rob, he knows all about water floods. Alan
  2. Nor would I, I was joking. Alan
  3. Any finer you'd be pure Warren. :roll: Good one Rob. Super, now we can see where we are up too. Good work. Alan
  4. Aren't they all? When I die, then return, it willbe as a male guppy. Alan
  5. No way definately not. They are fish, and they already have names Swordtail Guppy Platy Convict ETC What else do you want. The poor fish will have to go and get counselling if their names were changed. Bad enuf to have to supply board and lodgings for them for nothing, now the power price is going up AGAIN. Alan
  6. Hope it doesn't blush too much Goldie. :roll: Alan
  7. Alan

    Flat Worm

    Is the word that you are looking for - - - phototropic - - - Alan
  8. A good hunting ground for this, is where a cool-store is being built. They have off-cuts, totally useless for what the want. Go waggle your eye-lashes and see what you can score. Or maybe, just ask nicely. Only one problem, it has metal on both sides that has to be removed, but hey, that's a cheap price. Alan
  9. LoGan, What have you been eating or drinking lately?? I suggest that you see a doctor immediately, if not sooner. Till the visit is made, rest lying down, with the feet raised. Goodluck Alan
  10. Alan

    Illegal fish

    What ones would you suggest rolling into a magazine alan_au? Alan ps. who said we would have you, or if you do come rip up your passport b4 you land Get in no sweat then. LOL Al
  11. Woops :oops: Was that really two years ago. My doesn't time go by fast when ya having fun. Well that only changes a small thing. It will be known as the Bi-annual Napier Fish Fest Alan
  12. I replied to 'Cat's" suggestion and said "why not have a weekend like we had last year with a fish auction at Napier". Don't know what happened to the post. If it got deleted or munched by the system. But thanks Bruce, that IMO will be great, You do of course realize this will be two years in a row. Thereby becoming a annual event. :evil: Good, something to fill in, till we get the National Fish Show up again. Alan
  13. I have already told you my version, so I wont repeat it. See Derek Heath of the Lower Hutt club, he has bred sterbs. Alan
  14. while back on this post Peg. I can inform you that no one in NZ has registered a khulli breeding. Although I have heard of some "smaller" loach found in a com. tank, but not enuf to register. (must have 10 for 30 days) Hee hee, is the drug 'viagra'? Alan
  15. Good sniffing Joze looks like you could be correct with the salvins. While we are admiring the fish on the link that joze put up for us. Does anyone have any of them for sale, Salvini that is. To be precise, a male one would be really fine. How do you sex them? The male has a black patch on his gill operculum. So that makes the #one flick is a pic of a male. TIA Alan
  16. Are they Severums?? Alan
  17. you could make enquiries to Greg Leveridge of Tauranga. He has rotifers for his sea-horse breeding establishment. Wether he would share or not is a different matter. He got his cultures from the harbour and sorted them under a microscope. No I can't tell you his addy or phone #, I don't know them. He is the only one in NZ that is breeding the tropical seahorses, KUDA spp. Also exporting to the States and Canada, and making a good living out of them, thanks very much. Alan
  18. Welcome Kelae Why does your water need Aqu safe? you didn't say. Frogs are super sensitive to chemicals in the water. What sort of frog, other than "aquatic" is it. Our NZ frogs are not tropical creatures, so not sure if the fish tank is the right environment for it to be in. Where do you hail from, this may negate what I've just said about NZ. Alan
  19. And remember a discount is only offered, NOT neccessarily given, so be nice, DON"T demand. During my last shopping spree (for fish, what else) all but one of the shops gave me a discount, the one I didn't I missed out on. But hey, I only bought a pair of platy for $5. I thought they were cheap enough without asking. Alan
  20. Alan

    Illegal fish

    This thread has gone way way off course. Nothing abot my piranah or rdedtails now. Alan
  21. Lake Grassmere ask Caryl, they get it for nothing except a nice drive Alan
  22. Do we have Peppermint Bristlenose in NZ? If so, what price do they go for,and are they breedable? also if so, has anyone bred them yet?? Alan
  23. Alan

    Illegal fish

    There used to be F_T,but that was too hard for MAF to understand. Now they only have a "Permited List" Check with Rob, our esteemed "Breeding Co=ordinator" Alan
  24. Alan

    Killie Questions

    Sorry about the double post peg, slipup, sure we all have them occasionally. As for the others, stiff bickies, I was repling slowly to Chris, ok? Alan
  25. Alan

    Killie Questions

    You can't get PURE ammonia Chris, It's too dangerous. It just have to be the uncontaminated toilet variety. Check at your local chemist,tell them what it's for, keep in a well labelled bottle and in a SAFE place. I aquired mine from a local industrial site down this way. Alan
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