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Everything posted by angelfish

  1. power ball this weekend is $5 million, so if i win ill go halves with someone!!! :lol:
  2. i think sand from the beach can be contaminated and isnt worth the risk. thats the sort of sand i wanted though, the coral sand (with the little shells etc) looks a bit to lumpy.
  3. not to sure, but would the flow rate of the pump be written on a sticker on the pump? also you could do a google search to find out more.
  4. thanks bruce. i forgot about the metal clips that hold the light cover on. will just go for a normal glass tank i think. trouble is my partner will notice a new tank, where as if i just used the jebo, he wouldnt notice if the fish changed from angels to clowns!!! :lol: i'll just have to do some rearranging of tanks to fit another one in.
  5. thanks layton. was only going to have enough to just cover bottom of tank, max 2cm in any place. will have to go for the 2-4mm coral sand. just thought there might have been something whiter out there. i gravel clean the tank at work whenever i do a water change (every week/ every second week) and i would do the same with this tank. thanks for all your answers. its good to learn from people with soooo much knowledge. thanks again
  6. sorry guys, i understand what you're all saying. just thought there might be another way to do things. :oops:
  7. what brand is it, and where do you get it from?
  8. thanks for the reply brianemone. now how do i convince my partner that a sump isnt ANOTHER tank, doesnt cost even MORE money, and is easy peasy to setup!!!!! :roll: bonnie
  9. thanks pomereef. didnt realise the finer sand was so much trouble!
  10. brianemone, have you got a sump on your 88ltr setup? what is the main filtration on your tank (just power heads/live rock/ skimmer?)? do you get high nitrate levels? im thinking of doing the same sort of thing, maybe a 150ltr tank, no sump, lots of rock, skimmer, and maybe only two clowns, mushies, zoos etc.
  11. thanks brianemone. thought that might be the case.
  12. sorry to hijak (sp?) my own thread, but does anyone know if the jebo tanks are ok for saltwater? ive seen that alot of people use the aqua one tanks, which are kinda the same. tank is a year old, and its a jebo R 390 if that helps. it didnt come with any instructions so i dont realy know if its 'salt proof'. and thanks again
  13. thanks layton. i guess the coral sand will be ok, better when siphoning etc like you said. ill get over its 'lumpy' look. didnt want to go for a deep sand bed, just thought their sand always looked so nice and white. oh well.
  14. good reason to get a bigger tank!just kidding, but imagine the size of the tank you would need to find a home for all that sand!!!! the coral sand in the tank at work is quite a big grain size (if that makes sense). looks almost like gravel instead of sand. i just thought we could get play sand or something similar (like they talk about on the aquaria central site) but perhaps we cant... oh well, thanks for the help guys, it might have to be coral sand then
  15. looking at setting up a marine tank for home, but i dont like the sand (coral sand) that i got from brooklands for the tank at work. what do you guys use, and where do you get it from? im looking for very fine, very white sand. any ideas?
  16. i would've thought you'd make more money selling everything seperately? still its good to show people what can be done with lots of time, patience and money!!!!
  17. great fish! (wish i had one)
  18. ive bred bettas once, lots of fun! i would recommend having an extra 'breeding tank', with an air driven sponge filter (so babies dont get sucked in, as they like feeding off the filter) and a small amount (or preferably none at all) of gravel. i found alot of my eggs (and young babies) fell out of the bubble nest, even though my male did his best catching and putting back. once they fell into the gravel he lost them. i lost alot of eggs because of this. also i wouldnt recommend a high tank. my tank was way too high. my male got very exhausted going up and down catching eggs. i removed the female once she had released all her eggs (they spawned about 3 times in a row that day). i left the male in the tank for about 3 or 4 days, untill all the babies were free swimming (was told male will eat babies, is this true?) anyways, hope this helps. and have lots of fun!!!
  19. sorry to hear brianenome, the right house will come along.
  20. angelfish

    Italian TOTM

    very colourful, and heaps of fish to look at! very cool
  21. maybe we need some more background info on the tank. ive looked at some of your previous posts duke, youve removed some bioballs recently? were these in the same tank as the clown and other sick/dead fish? also you say youve lost about 20 shrimp? thats alot of waste breaking down somewhere. some more info on your setup would help duke.
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