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Everything posted by angelfish

  1. problem- my powerheads have a slit 8mm wide running horizontally across top of powerhead. good idea, but wont work for me.thanks though.
  2. can i put panty hose over my power heads (4xehiem 1000)? i lost my first fish on wednesday night - sucked right in (rest in peace little neo). or is there any thing else more suitable? why dont they just make guards on them?
  3. hi ira, nice tank! stupid question, but whats the red stuff?
  4. angelfish

    Tm Tank

    ay pics yet tm? i use photo bucket, you should try loading your pics up to their site.
  5. no cured live rock in tank, thought i wouldnt need it. i realise ill get algea blooms. would have been good to get some cured live rock, but it was cheaper to get just the base rock. anyone got any free live rock?? lol.
  6. euro bracing sounds good yota! hope ya get ya money back from tasman to pay for it. you should come in some time to check things out, see if im doing things right. and some times it can be good that i get different answers for my questions - gives me different options. thanks guys!
  7. i dont know why they havent done anything about it! they should have at least said sorry. im so sorry you havent had any success with them have the other glass suppliers etc been any help?
  8. i cant believe tasman glass cant fix your tank. maybe pies could post some pics of his center brace so you can see what you think. have you thought of anything else that might work?
  9. lots of diatoms! tested water today (still cycling) nh3 0!!!!! n02 0.3, n03 20 some more pics.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2005_0314shopfish0011.jpg note the bleached coral and plastic fish - the bosses contrabution to the decorating......... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2005_0314shopfish0048.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2005_0314shopfish0017.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2005_0314shopfish0018.jpg and a happy clown in the little tank..... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2005_0314shopfish0058.jpg
  10. what do carnivorus snails look like? i think the rock work is stable enough, bit hard without alot of sand in the bottom to hold it there. ive riggled it around lots, and doesnt seem to want to fall over. i spent practically a whole day rearranging it so it was stable. ill post another pic tonight, just got to load them off my camera. sorry to hear about your tank, why dont you try one of those metal braces?
  11. hi yota! is your tank ok? the clowns arnt the only fish going in the tank over the next couple of months, plan on getting one or two of the other fish on the 'fish wish list' soon. i can get a deltec rated for a 500lt tank (nearly twice the volume of my tank) at a very reasonble price, thats why i thought id go with one of those. thanks for the beach advise, maybe you could show us where to go oneday? also, where did you get your snails from? thanks again.
  12. yeah, i love the look of mushrooms, very cool! ill take your advise and try to get the best skimmer as possible. i didnt know they lasted that long! (another thing to tell the boss, hopefully shell see that shell save money in the long run). thanks again guys!
  13. metal halides arnt in the budget at the moment, i also think i have to get a bit more experiance before i tackle a reef set up. im aiming for fowlr, but i do want some mushrooms and inverts (cleaner shrimp mainly). fish on the wish list at the moment are - dottyback (the one that looks like a royal gramma), yellow goby, yellow tang, and of course my 2 little clowns. was thinking we might go reef in 2 or 3 years, will i have to get a new skimmer by then, even if i get a decent one now? do they break? if i got the big, powerful, expensive skimmer now, will it still be working in 3 years time? thanks again for all your help!
  14. weve only got 30kgs (approx) of base rock, that im hoping has turned into live rock during the cycle (no cool stuff on it though like on all your tanks, just helpful bacteria). thats our main filtration so i know we do need a very powerful skimmer to help us out. just trying to find the right one is hard. price doesnt really matter if it comes down to it, would rather have a healthy tank than a cheaply setup tank with unhappy fish.
  15. thanks for the clarification on the tides! also, sorry to be a pain (and very nosey), but what did you pay for your skimmer? and what size tank do you have? sorry for being nosey, but i dont think the boss would be able to pay over $700 for a skimmer at the moment. thats why we dont have a skimmer at the moment - still waiting for some money to pop up. but i do really want to get the best skimmer possible, even if it means asking the boss very nicely for a bit more money towards it.
  16. thanks brianemone, cool nick name!what other skimmers have people used? i want to get as many different opinions as possible! the via aqua sounds good, ill look into it, thanks!
  17. hello! your tanks sound beautiful .
  18. angelfish


    hi, thanks for the warm welcome. just thought id check out the chat room last night, i dont think i can type fast enough to keep up in there though! it was good to finally find out how to join the local fish club, thanks caryl! will take the money into work tomorrow 8) . its great to have found a nz site with so many friendly and knowledgeable (spelling?) people!
  19. sounds more technical now . so get it when its crystal clear, lots of wind blowing off-shore (out to sea), and 2 hours before high tide? ok. good, now i think ive got it! i would have never knowen about the wind making a differance, thanks heaps! anything else about collecting water - types of storage containers?are any buckets ok? i want to use new buckets so theres no risk of getting detergents in the tank, but i havent been able to find any good solid ones with lids. anyone know where to get good buckets (stupid question, i know :lol: ). and about the skimmer for the tank, what do you suggest? i would like one that is reliably, but really easy to use. any thoughts? thanks again all, youve helped me lots!
  20. angelfish


    thought id better introduce myself. ive been so busy reading the saltwater forum that i completly forgot to say hi to every one! even though ive fallen in love with the marines, my first love was fighting fish. i now have 3 tanks at home, one 200lt jebo tank with 2 angels, 1 black shark (plan on getting bigger tank for him when he grows - hes only 2 inches at the moment.), 1 golden rainbow shark, 1 sucking catfish, and a bristlenose. i have one 80lt goldfish tank, they'll be going into a pond as soon as i win lotto so i can buy a house and build a pond. the other tank is awaiting funds so i can get some guppies. well, i know its a quick intro, but my eyes are starting to hurt - and i want to check out your chatroom before i go to bed thankyou for making such a great site avaliable to all new zealand fish keepers!
  21. oh, and if there are floaties do i pour the water through some filter wool? or just scoop it out with a net? and should i run a carbon filter in the bucket that the water will be heating up in over night? will that accomplish any thing? sorry again 'bout the stupid questions, but i dont know what to expect with real salt water - im so used to the 'mix your own' stuff :lol: .
  22. ok thanks guys. now i just got to convince the fiance that going for a road trip to the middle of nowhere to get a traliar load of water every couple of weeks is a good way to spend some time together!!
  23. and do i get it on the icoming tide? ive been told to get it from a bay close by, but do i get it from the beach, or from a rocky area? sorry about the questions, thanks for all your help
  24. so i should heat it over night first? is it ok to sit in a bucket airated and heated over night? i think i would like to add it when its close to the same temp as the tank water. and if it is alright to leave it over night i think i might do what you do ira - thanks.
  25. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2005_0307shopfish0002.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2005_0307shopfish0005.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2005_0307shopfish0008.jpg and the little tank-clowns will be in their bigger home soon! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/bjordan/2006_0114shop0005.jpg
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