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Everything posted by raeh1

  1. thats interesting... no white spot on clowns.. where did you find that out??
  2. raeh1

    Tough little frag

    Stoaked it survived. It will go more of a yellowly green, with white tips, after it gets over the move.. :lol: :lol: Its one of my favorites. Cheers Ru
  3. raeh1


    Best to start with a hardy fish like a chromis for a week or two. Good luck,
  4. I found that my population of crabs, (from collecting water at rags) eat them, so this keeps their numbers in check. Cheers Ru
  5. raeh1

    bad day

    If you have no invertibrates. Copper solution will do the job. PM me I have copper solution that I bought in the early days and is still gathering dust, you can use some of that. Cheers Ru
  6. thats interesting. I have no idea what my magnesium levels are. I add the seachem calcium advantage which has strotium and mag... in it. Once a month I add 1/8 cup mag.. into the system and add strotium weekly I have more SPS than even now , so that must be it. Do LPS use as much? I do do alot of NSW changes so that should keep it up a bit ah.. I do feel like the mad hatter a bit, adding things here and there without testing. But I test weekly for ph, nirate (or is it nitrite), KH and Calcium. I add baking soda every second day to keep the KH up. I usually run off how the corals look, maybe a calcium reactor next year when I'm working again.. (oh if the wife doesn't see me carrying it in the door :-? ) Cheers
  7. I dropped a crushed mussel into my one, got it down to three weeks. Also was given a seeded rock to help Each tanks different though
  8. In the last week I have upped my reef roids feeding and..... ph has stablised at 8.2 (finally But calcium has dropped form 440ppm, to 380-400ppm in a week (as I do weekly tests) I could actually almost see my coral growth this week. Cheers
  9. raeh1

    new fish

    cool fish... next up grade for you could be 1000litres Good luck.. a truly cool fish 8)
  10. get a cleaner shrimp.. they are the best solution.. thats what works in the wild. Cheers
  11. raeh1

    to rich for me

    I had had a look at it. $770 was an very very excellent price for the winner. Only thing was equipment was quite dated/ very well used. I had permission to go higher, but thought about some other options.... ie christmas presents for my friends and family :lol: :lol:
  12. raeh1

    to rich for me

    Oh well no new tank upgrade :lol: (on trademe) would have been good for 450 litres..
  13. he/ she is still all in one piece.
  14. My tank hit 29 degrees yesterday.... (lucky for my aqua minder going off, put the old fan on it) But my anemone started to excreate white cloudy stuff, looks fine now but I am a little concerned about what was happening. My tank went white and cloudy. All clear now and all corals seem fine My anemone hasn't been as happy since the move but, there is no bleaching or major moving around. I did notice yesterday that it that extended its base to about 35cms long. I was going to take a photo to show you guys but forgot. Any ideas on what it was doing
  15. raeh1

    Trace Elements

    yip. After my 40litre weekly water change i add soft trace hard trace reef roids idoine strotium seachem calicum (includes magnesium, and strotoum) baking soda (My hard sps's seem to like this weekly drug intake, and are growing well under my 150 metal halide, and even week at the moment my mushrooms split)
  16. could be other reasons. anyone got any ideas????
  17. Hey what do I need to do this? can anyone tell me the cost. turning my 150 watt unit into a 250watt unit. thats approx a 40% increase in lighting, as my 3 foot tank struggles on the single 150 watt, with two blue actinics. The aim a 250 watt and change a blue to a marine white. (I am still surprised my sps's are looking good and growing, must be the reef roids..... I reckon they should just call it coral "P" .... :lol: :lol:
  18. Three of his legs look half biten off. He is spending alot of time out the front of the tank under the halide. This is not common for a brown bristle starfish. He is not really responsive to food either. I have had him about 8 months and was fine till the move. Since the move I found three crab skeletons. I haven't introduced anything new so I am not sure whats up. Maybe you guys may have some ideas.
  19. sweet as now. Added a litte blue tang, who for the last few days has been schooling with my other two chromis. :lol: :lol:
  20. I had a royal dottyback. Starts off ok then takes over the tanks small fish over time. almost impossible to catch.. I would sell it onto someone who has larger fish. Cheers
  21. Lost one fish. But that was the morning before I moved the tank. A little chromis that had been battling on with eating disorder for the last 8 months when I got rid of the royal dotty back. Today is aqua scaping. otherwise all corals ok and all the other stuff. Cheers Ru
  22. Big move tomorrow, wish me and JDM luck...
  23. raeh1

    Not so good

    That article was terrible in fact...... Heres why.... The statement "locals think the numbers have decreased"" this is opinion not fact. The other thing that clown fish stop the algae on the coral reef... i'm not so sure... I read that this was due to global warming that LPS corals were being bleached and dying, ....ONCE dead the algae grows on the dead coral skeleton. I do agree that we take alot from the ocean... but I frag corals to share, and try really hard to keep my tank in good health. What about the drag net fishing, how many fish are taken in a year, or snapper fishing around the country??? whats the daily limit you can catch??? Or the trees that get cut down in the amazon... We are all resonsible for our planet, which can handle evrything in moderatation... Who knows with global warming killing reefs, maybe in hundreds of years when the world cools down a little, people may get their tank rasied corals and put them back into the sea to start off new coral reefs.... food for thought ah..
  24. raeh1

    Firefish shoal

    If anyone knows it will be "reef"
  25. raeh1

    Reefs Reef Tank

    I would be lining up for the black clowns, but my wife would shoot me.
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