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Travis & Vicki

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Everything posted by Travis & Vicki

  1. can i please hav a bit of an idea what ive got my silly self into here, i brought this little guy sunday, he is in the cichlid tank with 2 vieja synspilum, 2 keyholes,1 sailfin pleco,1 very cute little oscar. so far the vieja synspilum have chased him round the tank a bit, but no major scraps. all seems quiet thismorning. what sort of personality will he have, will i have to put him in with the spawning cons to sort him out :evil: , or is he likely to be a lovely fishie
  2. are you sure the oscar has half swallowed the convict, or has that cunning little bugger decided on another form of attack, from the inside out
  3. mine laid in a little cave in the tank, till they over excavated( need to sure up trenches in sand) thought they might have lost them all, i now have about 200 baby convicts to feed, the eggs looked the same as the ones in the pic,feeding them ox heart and brine shrimp, hungry gutted little buggers :lol:
  4. one of the guys from living waters came round tonight and said there had to be 200-300 babies in there, he said it was a really big spawn i wouldnt know so i'll take his word on it
  5. WOW millions of little fishies, how big do the babies have to be before i can give some away without killing them?
  6. We currently have a community tank about 1200-450-450 i think,at the moment it has about 12 neons, 6 cardnals, ( had 12 albino neons but they were fair game for everything else in the tank) 3 mollys, 8 catfish, 3 glass cats, 2 kulie loaches, 12 harliquins, 2 honey guamies, 1 red tailed shark, 24 various danios, 1 threadfin, 3 horsefaced loaches, 6 black neons, and a few others i cant think of right now, basically it has heaps of schools of small colourful lively fish it is heavily planted and they all seem happy with their space, good uck with your new venture and i hope to see lots of sucessful comments soon. this site is a world of knowlage and reallyfriendly helpful people
  7. WOW Big tank, i want one too I hope you find this site as helpful as i have. im just a beginner, 2 tanks and an empty one that is a work in progress( need a few more brownie points first)
  8. The poor guy went to the pet shop thismorning less a lot of fins, will get $16 credit on next purchase, very sad to part with him but didnt want him to die
  9. we're new to the site too, have found it to be informative and very friendly, sure you will find the same. welcome
  10. does this mean that the long finned one i have is some kind of poor deformed soul? :-?
  11. just did a head count, looks like mine are getting plenty of live food at the moment too, out of the 6 neons 1 rummy rose 2 danios, all but 1 neon and 1 danio must have been slow swimmers :-?
  12. the fin nippers are the other 100 residents of the community tank, much easier and cheeper to rehome the new guy
  13. Not sure it im going to keep him yet, the fighter i had got distroyed, had lovely fins when he went in the tank, not for long though, i gave him to the pet shop.If this guys fins start to disappear i will have to part with him too
  14. Im really enjoying our convicts, they have no shame, they have laid their eggs in public view so im enjoying watching mummy and daddy look after their young
  15. have a new angel black white and orange with very long fins. have no idea what it is and im not yet bright enough to get a photo here but if you go to the site below you can see it there
  16. ours get a combination of cichlid food, freeze dried tublfex worms, frozen worms, flake food, and the odd slow neon
  17. nothing would suprise me with those mischevious little rats :lol:
  18. the only plants i put in their tank are the cuttings from my weekly gardening in the community tank :lol:
  19. You have good cause to be concerned for the plants if your convicts are anything like mine
  20. the new tank i have the cichlids have destroyed the plants, what they could'nt up root they ate any way. I put the "gardening" from my other tank in theirs to give them something to do :lol: They are in with 2 keyholes and 2 fireheads( Vieja Synspilum)
  21. Thankyou for your help Alan, they have put the eggs where they can be viewed easily so at least I can see whats going on!
  22. please tell me how long it takes for convict eggs to hatch
  23. At this stage they arnt the dominant fish in the tank and are only about 12cm long. If the situation changes i have an empty 4 ft tank in the shed, i will wait and see
  24. THANKYOU all for your sound advice, being a beginner its dificult to get in this area without 1/2 dozen expensive tank treatments ( none of which are probably correct) thankyou again
  25. my Vieja Synspilum went a bit loopy in the tank the other night some how cut hre head on the glass lid and K.Oed her self. i put her in the community tank overnight expecting to find her dead in the morning, but didnt want the other cichlids making a meal of her while unconcious in case she came good , which she had by the time i went to work, if it is in the cichlids tank the community tank will have it. can i treat it and have my darlin kulie loaches suvive
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