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Everything posted by HummingBird

  1. I'll try...it's a mission and a half to operate this darn camera
  2. Does anyone know what fish these actually are? They were called 'Blue eyes' by the people who gave them to me. I know the pictures are terrible.
  3. Does anyone know of anywhere in Auckland where I can get some good Bettas? Preferably Juveniles too.
  4. When I get it home I'll take some more.
  5. I just bought this Pleco off trademe, it's listed as a Leopard Pleco but I've looked that up online and it obviously isn't that. Anyone know what it is?
  6. Man, that totally sucks! Here's hoping that your other fish pull through.
  7. I've got four Cordoryas in one of my tanks and they do this too, usually only in groups of 2 though.
  8. Got a digital camera yesterday so here are some pics of the affected plants. The worst affected one.
  9. I think I may just use the 200w on the 60L and get a 300w for the 240L, I'd rather be 'on the safe side' since there's not that much of a price difference. Thanks for all of your help.
  10. and are there any downsides to using it in the 2ft (60L) tank?
  11. Hmm, I may just use it in the 60L. I'm only asking because I bought a tank off trademe that's coming with a 200w heater (it was an absolute steal too, check it out, $210 for all this - http://www.trademe.co.nz/structure/auct ... d=20786922 ),I'm going to be using that tank for my Axolotls (coldwater) and turning my 4ft and 2ft into tropical community tanks. I'll just get a 300w heater for the 4ft - that should be ok right?
  12. Now that I look at it I do, looks like it needs a shave though!
  13. Looking good! Best of luck with them.
  14. Yeah, my mom got the prices for me and she works in a lab. I've bought Flourish Excel from Jansens so they do stock that. I'll try to track down a chemical wholesaler around Auckland somewhere. If the plants start really deteriorating and I can't find a wholesaler I may take you up on that offer, but I think it should be fairly easy to find one.
  15. The big aquarium is 120cmx45cmx45cm, the little one is 60cmx45x30. Which would be the better option to have a 200w heater in?
  16. What if it were put in a ~60L aquarium? Which option would be better?
  17. They'd probably make fillets just the right size to be a burger too 8)
  18. I'm also looking for a few good Betta's (preferably young) in the Auckland area, come on people, pipe up!
  19. Sorry when I meant 6 plants I meant 6 types of plants, I've got more than 6 plants in there right now, probably 10-15 and I'm planning on getting some more soon. I'll see if they have Flourish and Aquarium Pharmaceutical’s Aquatic Plant Stimulant at Jansens. The prices for Potassium sulphate and Magnesium sulphate at 'Scientific Supplies' are $48 for 500g, which is the minimum amount you can purchase! I'm going to check out the prices at a hydroponics store, see if they are any cheaper (or if I can buy less). Thanks for the advice Warren, you've been quite helpful.
  20. I'm allegic to erythromycin. When I was little I used to remember it as "Harry throw mice in". Fun fact for the day.
  21. Well I installed a co2 system tonight, and I'm getting a new double light (with good bulbs) in replacement of the other light tommorow. Hopefully the plants should be alright now :-?
  22. HummingBird


    I've never had fighters, this is just what I've read: Try to get them young and so they grow up with your other fish and are accustomed to them.
  23. My advice: Buy a few different kinds of plants. See which ones grow well in your tank. Buy more of those. :lol:
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