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Everything posted by wasp
Oh i see. Taking water from inside that chamber will work well.
Yes I remember it, cool film. There's a heap of those old things I'd like to see again some time. That middle pic is the best! Look like they just waiting there, listening, listening.....
What skuzza said.
Well if people are going to be making these I have a couple of pointers. The bit that slows the whole thing down is (as Conch said), the cross piece by the airvent. The lower you set that, the faster it will allow water to flow though. But, the lower you set it, the lower the water level will fall to in the tank if there is a power cut, meaning you need that much more capacity in the sump. Just tee-ing the cross piece up to a larger size pipe will allow faster flow, meaning the cross piece can be set higher. The other thing is I really REALLY think a secondary intake pipe should be installed, or lots of holes drilled along the intake pipe, or similar. This is because the current design has just one intake hole, exposed and in the tank. More likely when than if, it will get blocked. Could be a dead fish, or whatever. The return pump from the sump will then dump water all over the carpet as the tank overflows. The other thing could be to install a shut off switch to the return pump, should the water in the tank go higher than a certain level.
Ah! That explains it.
All I think it MIGHT need would be something to ensure the intake did not get blocked, such as, say, a secondary intake, or similar. But I think it is a great example of a weir overflow. It's so good I'm actually going to talk to a mod & suggest we get somewhere things like this could be put on the site permanently for people to see.
Nice work! Don't see why you found it did not deliver enough water?
Interesting Cheesejawa. There is something KIND of similar, a computer software algorithim used for trading the share market. It reads share market info such as price, volume, and other things, and generates buy and sell signals. It also keeps replicating itself, each new one with a slight mutation. The programs analyze themselves against all the other ones and the ones that would have made the least amount of money over a certain time frame self destruct. The profitable ones survive and therefore there is a gradual improvement in the profitability of the program, plus it can adapt to changing market conditions.
Ha! I don't usually like artificializing nature, but got to say those painted crab shells are quite pretty i bet they're a big seller to small kids. Long as they come with good instructions to make sure they are cared for properly it might be a good way to introduce little kids to the responsibilty of looking after another life form.
Oh and the yellow one, I'm pretty sure it's a yellow sarcophyton, often known as Tongan yellow, or yellow toadstool. It's retracted in that pic but will usually be open with 2 cm or so long polyps. A very attractive coral and easy to culture, although slow growing by leather standards. Quite a few around here, I have two, although i'm surprised we don't see more of them.
No knowledge required! Going by last time it's all pretty droll, just sussing out what to do with that software is what tripped up an old non technophile like me! :lol:
Yes being king will help. My son had a bannerfish in his tank, it had whitespot for a week or two no problems, then it worsened a bit, the other fish figured out he was not feeling to good and started picking on him, he hid for a couple of days then we had a close look & he was covered, I think the stress of getting beaten up made the whitespot worse, he looked aweful i'm sure if we left him he would have been dead in a day or two. So we got him out & put him in a tank by himself, no treatment but he cleaned up in, from memory, a couple of weeks. We put him back in the other tank which he still remembered, slotted right back in, no problems. Just needed enough chance to build immunity i think.
Lovely pics, Jamestothemax. Amazing to swim around acres of that stuff, yet in new Zealand, just about any fist sized piece of that live coral would retail for somewhere near 100 bucks!
Please email me whatever it is, with instructions, & i'll do whatever i can.
Good to hear, i wanted to ask but didn't want any bad news! If it's still alive now he's looking like he'll make it. Please keep us updated also be good to hear the eventual outcome. Whitespot is something that visits nearly every starting out reefer eventually and it's good if we can build up a body of people here with experience to help the new people throught this.
Have you considered a weir overflow? Some people hate them because drilling is better, but if drilling is not an option a weir overflow can be the best next option. You just hang them over the back of the tank and away they go. They are designed so the syphon cannot be broken. IE, if there is a powercut and the return pump stops working, once the level in the main tank drops to the bottom of the weir intake, water stops flowing through it, so you don't get a flood. But the syphon is not broken, once the power comes back on, the water in the main tank rises, and the weir starts up again. There is some info in this thread http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/hang-o ... 28312.html
I don't think that is a good plan. Better to really try & sort some kind of gravity outlet. But congrats on the manderin eggs. I am sure you have achieved far more with many things in your RSM, than most of us have with our larger tanks. Any plans for the eggs?
Even if they managed to live 6 months, I doubt they would be happy. You sure about the time frame, Evilmullet? In this thread, less than two months ago, you said you had an 80l tank with no fish and asked if you could put a blue tang in it. Due to the small size you were advised no. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/starti ... tml#302286 Then later, you stated you had a friend who had a blue tang in a 120 for 3 years, could this be the same friend you mentioned in this thread who has had one in an 80 litre tank for 5 years, perchance? We are a friendly crowd here and happy to help but that is most easily accomplished if we stick to the facts. Best not to tell someone a blue tang in an 80 litre is a good plan, the fish will be happy. My guess is that if you actually do have a blue tang in an 80 litre tank, it will be a tiny one such as can sometimes be purchased, and enough time has not yet passed for it to need to outgrow the tank. Having said all that, i didn't really want to mention these slight factual errors, but I just didn't want the other guy, or anybody else, wasting their money. Good you are so keen, hope you will continue to ask questions and also contribute as you learn things.
Can you see how it would work Cichlid? I can't figure it from the pic. I'm with Puttputt it looks like a not so good one but still may be worth investigating to see what you could do, or even customize it a bit.
So how is he going Jasmine?
Heck Broms2, now look what you started!!! It's all your fault! :lol:
4 feet can actually be quite big if there is good depth. While in marine circles 4 feet is actually regarded as small, I remember Nick Sparks old 4 footer which was a lot deeper and wider than normal, surprising how big it looked, plus how much he could keep in it. Light wise, my 4 footer has 2 metal halides over it, and nothing else. Ample light. But a few actinic tubes would probably make it look nicer.
Everybody else is right cichlid7. To get the tank working right as a marine, would require a mountain of money to be spent on it, and the end result that could be obtained in this small tank will not justify it. When you ask if the filter acts a bit like a skimmer, I'm thinking you might still have a bit more to learn, and a lot of this stuff is important to know before you set up your big tank, anything you have to change later can be expensive. Before getting too far along the road with your big tank, I would strongly recommend visiting a few reefers and thoroughly aquanting yourself with how their systems work, also ask them what they wish they had done differently. This will get you started on the right track, first time.
Very impressed! Much nicer than the traditional overflow, I'll copy that when I upgrade.
Is that some kind of overflow box? Can you do a close up of it plus explanation how it works?