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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. Is that a mullet I see? It's a bit bigger than mine! And also is that all fissidens? It looks really good! Are the kokopu still in the tank?
  2. Interesting.... A way to make it even harder to tell them apart! :thup:
  3. I stand by what I said, crans!.... Or upland
  4. Good luck finding a good fish shop in the far north, and I recommend not entering the kaitaia one.....
  5. :rolfl: I guess if you put it that way....
  6. Lol, unusual theme for a baby shower :nilly: But amazing job! :thup:
  7. I can't see anything else on the list that it could be, it grows in a mud bottomed pond and I don't think it has the submerged leaves but this website says that in the description. It might not grow back til summer though, so sorry in advance if you have to wait a while
  8. I think we have Potamogeton Cheesemanii in one of our ponds, it dissappeared during winter but I can send you some when it grows back.
  9. My two get boiled peas, heart and the odd fly. Carrots would probably be okay boiled, blueether should know.
  10. If you have lots of hiding places it should be okay. I have a 7 cm koura with some small 3 cm bullies and they just swim away if it gets too close, good luck.
  11. Mosquito fern looks like a fern leaf, but I definitely wouldn't recommend it..... It spreads incredibly fast and I'm not sure if it's legal....
  12. I'm not sure about algae but duckweed is good at breaking down nitrate, if you remove a bit when you want to feed the fish they will learn that when the duckweed is removed it's dinner time! Duckweed isn't the kind of thing I thought I'd be discuessing today :lar:
  13. Lol, what do you have against duckweed? Ferns would give it more shade but I think it's okay the way it is.
  14. The duckweed should give fish shade and places to hide from predators. Have you decided what fish you'll get yet? Oh and good job loading a photo
  15. viewtopic.php?t=2406 it might be difficult with a phone but it's possible
  16. Hmmm, it's definitely shorter, but deeper.... I guess I'll just have to wait and see.....
  17. :smot: Speaking of small galaxiids, I caught nine whitebait recently (post whitebait really but caught at day and whitebait size just a wee bit up river) I think one might be a young short jaw do the have inangaish patterns only longer patches?
  18. It should eat snails, but you might have to squash them first. My bullys love squashed flys! A tank that size will probably do for its whole life, but it depends whether you become addicted to natives and catch more or not..... Also bullys have more personality when in gtoups. Oh and natives like caves!
  19. Radio Android or Apple?
  20. Oops, looking at the distribution I think it's more likely to be crans (and they can be found in awanui, half an hour south of me :happy2: )
  21. It's either crans or upland, I'm guessing upland. (We don't have them up north so I never saw the need to find out the difference) Feeding: Animal heart with the fat cut off, worms, other bugs, bloodworms, raw shrimp and commercial food but not all natives accept it, my smelt and mullet do but the others don't even try it. Remember to keep it nice and cool, preferably below 20.
  22. Try this http://ei.niwa.co.nz/search/fbis
  23. Interesting.... Surveys conducted on lakes ngatu and waiparera report dwarf inanga but according to niwa they're ordinary inanga.... :roll: Thanks for the link silverdollarboy :thup:
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