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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. If treated quickly the bully should pull through. Id say so... You might want to contact them to confirm though.
  2. I use rock salt, table salt has some sort of anti-clumping chemical.
  3. Salt. I use 2 teaspoons per litre of water, im not sure what the recommended dosage is....
  4. Trademe or the wanted to buy section on this forum.
  5. 3 foot long. Large surface area is the way to go with fish, it allows a larger oxygen tranfer into the water.
  6. kiwiraka

    Bent spine

    Oops, sorry i forgot to say that unlike the first one this fish doesnt rest on the bottom and can almost swim normally and its spine only appears slighty bent while swimming. But when it stops swimming (hovers?) Its tail droops at a 30 degree angle.
  7. Phone malfunction :oops:
  8. kiwiraka

    Bent spine

    I dont have a test kit. I added a bully recently, but he was quarintined for 3 weeks. The rock is sturdy, when i set it up i made sure it was safe. Any diseases or parisites that can cause this? I first thought tb but apart from the limp tail there are no other symptoms.
  9. kiwiraka

    Bent spine

    A couple of months ago one of my banded kokopu devoloped a bent spine, one day it appeared perfectly healthy then the next day it couldnt hold its tail up starting half way down the body and it would only swim a few inches then it wouldrest on the ground. It stopped eating and started losing condition, so i moved it to a quarintine tank and planned on posting n here the next morning but my cat got hungry so i didnt... Now a second kokopu has devoloped the same bent spine. I do weekly water changes and i dont overfeed. Any ideas? Thanks
  10. kiwiraka


    Searching google 2 weeks is the recommended light deprivation time frame for bad algal blooms. Sounds like a long to me.....
  11. kiwiraka


    Maybe too much light? Just cover the tank up for a couple of days?
  12. Koaro have the same measurement as size so im thinking typo...
  13. Koura arent big waste producers as long as you arent overfeeding it and it can comfortably move around it should be fine. As it grows you may need a larger tank though.
  14. Just a quick question, why is 160-180mm written as the size of giant kokopu on this site?
  15. I dont do tropicals but it looks fine to me, maybe just a bit under fed.....
  16. Theyre scavengers and they dont need much food to survive, but once they are full the food will go to waste and pollute the water.
  17. Got back from auckland and thought two of my bullies were covered in whitespot..... False alarm, messy spawn :facepalm:
  18. How closely related are koura and shrimp?
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