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Everything posted by Barnacle

  1. You would probably be better off trying to mechanically restrict the flow itself. Block some of the inlet or outlet area.
  2. Sweet I put 3 in the tank to increase my chances of seeing them
  3. It was windy on the windy road.
  4. The clown plecos i bought yesterday The only time i've seen them was in the plastic bag they came in haha. Well, maybe i dont hate them... but its a tad irritating lol
  5. My fav male guppy died last month after on of my broody blue rams nipped his tail. I separated him, but he was dead within 15mins from what i imagine was shock. Sucks when it happens, but i guess it part of the hobby. We all want to play god, but sometimes things are still out of out control. All the best to your guppy, hope it gets better.
  6. Only use the rattle gun once for undoing the axle hub nut. The rest is by hand, even lifting the gearbox back in. The Internet is invaluable for fixing cars now. If you get stuck with something, someone somewhere will also have had the same problem and either asked or documented the solution. Should be plenty of write ups on how to replace an auto trams. If you can't google it, I'd doesn't exist.
  7. With a small canister filter i have i noticed it had a bit of a rattle when i first used it. In the end i decided that the rotor/magnet thing was spinning around in air. Pulled the top off the filter, and squirted water where the impeller sits. Turned it back on and it was quieter. Cant hurt to try that? Hopefully i made some sense
  8. If it were me, i would probably move the male instead... it would be less stressful for her.
  9. A friend of mine just built a shed using 100mm thick insulated panels. Layer of steel, then 100mm of polysteyrene backed by another layer of steel. He brought the whole thing in from china in a container. Not sure if it was cheap or not, but would have been suitable probably for what you were doing.
  10. This is going to be interesting to watch. Personally i would love to set up a big planted tank like this with schools of small fish. Good luck with it
  11. These are two things i never use. Well, a torque wrench only when im doing engine work. Engine hoist is handy, but a couple of jacks and some keen friends can also do the trick Seeing as we are off topic, here is why my car is such a dream to work on: 2 nuts and the axles are out, 2 electrical plugs 2 radiator hoses 2 fuel hoses 3 bolt holding the engine in 2 bolts for the exhaust and undo the shiter Done, engine is out. [/brag]
  12. Nice, i've been wanting to make a trip down there. Now there is more reason to do so And im having a good laugh at the quote in your signature... :slfg:
  13. Gearboxes are good fun to replace in front wheeldrive cars. Know what you are doing and providing you have the tools all ready, a begginer can happily do it in a day. Not to put any pressure on you, but i replace a clutch in my honda in one and a half hours... by my self admittedly, its had a bit of work and doesnt have half the crap under the bonnet that every other car has.
  14. My Volvo S80 died 2 months ago in a similar manner, It has drive for about 20seconds after turning it on, then just slips and wont move at all. I beleive one of the friction belts (the forward one) has worn away. Still unsure what im doing with mine... Hiff the car or have a go at fixing it.
  15. I personally prefer LED without a reflector for a moonlight effect, otherwise it gives a very tight, bright beam. 3Watts is not that much light (sure i know thats the point haha). I know for sure the one i linked to can also be dimmed with something like this It's all 12V stuff so you cant really muck it up, and its safe too.
  16. how big is the tank? and How bright did you want the 'moonlight' to be? Any light souce that comes from a point, ie. hologen bulb or LED will produce a ripple effect. I just made this quick video for you. i grabbed a 7W led i have from one of my small tanks and put it over my 200L tank, http://youtu.be/NR1952bLtIA Its one of these: http://dx.com/p/10w-750lm-6500k-high-po ... 76?item=70
  17. And also, threads are useless without photos Will be good to see your progress
  18. Those of you with plenty of plants in your tank, do you vacume the gravel with waterchanges or just leave all the crap in there? Since setting my tank up in march, i haven't once vac'd the gravel, and its also the 1st time i've had any sort of success with plants.
  19. Photos 4 and 5 need to be swapped around it think. Great being able to see all the photos in order like that!
  20. Im using a fine black grit in my tank now. In the past i had the regular size gravel, but the plants seem to do so much better in this.
  21. I'd just freeze the leftovers again. I guess you don't have many fish? I cube of bloodworm only lasts a matter of seconds for me!
  22. Just glass cleaner and a cloth, but i make sure i use the foaming nozzle so it doesn't mist everywhere
  23. about 15 years ago on dads property, every pond had frogs or tadpoles. Then one year they virtually all disappeared. I have no idea why, and they have never come back. Is it wrong to re introduce them do you think?
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