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Everything posted by G.Eagle

  1. does it matter what they pay, you dont need to pay for power, rent, food, petrol.... :digH:
  2. oh my!! cant wait till to meet my shelly now!!
  3. so there i was walking round the supermarket today with my 15month baby girl, and a guy and his son stop me, and asked if id like $50 as hed come into abit of money and hed like to help someone out, i was soo taking back by this couldnt stop sweating and my wife was nearly in tears.. so good to see people out there just wanting to make someones day. im going to pay it forward if i ever come into a little bit of money as it made my day!!
  4. umm how did they get there? how did they get into the country? :dunno:
  5. i could help buy watching and drinking from the sidelines? offering advice like bend ya knees cam, dont lift with ya back... :rolfl: :digH:
  6. sad to see this go...... find anything good behind that wall!!!! :bggrn:
  7. holly hell they are cute!!!!! :love:
  8. i might sneak a couple back into the tank when your not looking!!! :rolfl:
  9. cam i really cant see you getting rid of all your guppies some how lol!!! and cant wait to add those neons to my tank! by the way i do love this tank of yours! mind you im in love with all your tanks!! !drool:
  10. G.Eagle

    keyhole help

    so ive seen eggs, shes laying eggs all round the tank, male just following her round eating them up, she wants to lay eggs in the hole they dug but he wont let her, pushing her away from it, weird or not?
  11. G.Eagle

    keyhole help

    thanks cam for selling me the pair, lol. yeah bloody guppies, might need to give ya some more, bloody pests. from what ive read its common for keyholes to eat the eggs and young, i havnt got a spare tank to put them in so i'll just hope for the best!!! :bggrn:
  12. G.Eagle

    keyhole help

    the more i watch them the more i think i have a male and female! i noticed 1 has a vent hanging out and the other hasnt? been looking up every thing i can on keyholes at the moment :lar:
  13. G.Eagle

    keyhole help

    hey people, hope you guys can help me out here, i have 2 keyhole cichlids and noticed today they are acting a little differnt? they have dug a hole and have started chaseing other fish around, im hopeing its breeding activety but i cant tell if i have a male and female, has anyone breed these fish and can give me a little advice? p.s sorry about my bad spelling :sml2:
  14. i was on the hunt for a clown pleco, found one out richmond, i may be wrong here but they wanted like $80-$90!! pass!!!
  15. oh and here i was thinking i could just roll down to mitre 10 and get something! so they dont like fertilizer?
  16. heaps of leftys here, im one to! my pet hate is trying to use scissors, as a kid and sometimes even now i cant cut with them!
  17. i had a male and female in with goldfish and they breed! so id say yes, but it is frowned on :sage:
  18. so if crunchbang said 32 what does that make him?? :sml1:
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