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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. yeah but thinking a few more might jump on the bandwagon, setup cost is an issue, will have to do a full costing before submitting it, need to work out the potential average returns, if it cost $20 a week to run a couple of tanks, and we sell 1-2 fish with a profit of $40, then its not worth it, if we can sell 3-4 fish profit of $100 it is (mainly to cover risks etc...)

    I am avoiding adding potential additional sales such as filters, lights etc... to save that for my ace in the hole come submition day

  2. will notify after I get at least one good spawn out of them. have a tank sitting here waiting....

    anyone got any good info on breeding them (temp, pH etc...) All I know is that they are really bad at eating their own young. Last time I bred them was chucking them in a plant pond and pulling out the babies :P

  3. 50% of cats get food from the supermarket and one collar

    most dogs get food from supermarket and a leash. (although dog care products are the fastest growing part of the pet industry)

    if there are only 5 (struggling) pet stores in Tauranga with a population of around 110,000 that works out a requirement of 22000 people per pet store. as for fish keeping it really needs an even higher customer base as there are less fish keepers per capita. and the costs of a fish setup are a lot higher. If a store can't sell enough fish the prices go up, and sales slow down untill said pet store closes. as seen in Tauranga numerous times.

  4. I've just been offered some breeders for the princely sum of $5 :P

    so will have some fun and hopefully there will be a few around Tauranga soon.

    If anyone else has some around here I would be willing to do a swap to keep the bloodlines strong

  5. most solar panels put out low voltages anyways, and should have an inverter to bring them up to 12V

    modifying the inverter should fix the issue

    also an option would be a wind generator made out of a medium sized stepper motor connected to an inverter to a battery system. Avoid car batteries as they have a very short lifespan if used this way, you will need a deep cycle battery to get decent lifespan

  6. Many moons ago when I was breeding white clouds in big numbers (both in ponds over summer and tropical tanks) I found that they were relatively easy to get from tropical to ponds but very difficult the other way. Would this be the problem?

    they were from a different supplier than usual, will have to check out what their holding tanks are like

  7. ok im stumped.

    have a tank with white cloud minnows.

    added a few more the other day and now their all dying off, starting with the new ones but now the older ones are dying as well.

    symptoms: no visible signs until fins clamp up, the floating on surface dead. no skin slime problems, no dropsy, no gasping, just clamp then die over 24hr period.

    tried salt treatment no effect.


    pH: 7.4

    NH3: 0


    NO3: <10ppm

    Temp: 18 degrees C (heater controlled so not dropping any lower)

    will try wundertonic today but really want to figure this out.

  8. try and get that foil lined bubble wrap and do 3 sides and a sheet for the top.

    Graham don't listen to her, My G/F is trying to blame my Clearview 200 hang on filter for our power usage :P nothing to do with her hair dryer, foot spa, 20 minute showers, hair straigtners, coffee machine etc.....

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