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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. very nice, I normally sex them by looking at the dorsal fin, male longer an more pointed (in regulars, females have more belly colour) possibly spotted one may be female hence the disturbance (better pic would help)

    BTW nice tank layout for what we can see, any chance of a full tank pic????

  2. lol, Smashed out the left brake light (got a replacement cheap from wreckers)

    found out that the bar that activates the lock had broken off from the mechanism, hence the person smashing lock through.

    found a new lock and modified it to the key. hardest part with these cars is that you have to go in about 10cm before you can go sideways to get the lock, tried for 2 days with no success (I'd suck as a car thief)

    all good now

    Ira, do you have access to that part???,(actually just the leaver and the cable) i'm really keen to put in a backup in case this happens again

    and hell yeah its fun to drive, imagine a go cart with a 1.5L engine... can't wait to start playing with the power output

    lol that's not a sportscar!
    it is the way I drive it :P

    damn missus thinks its hers though :x

  3. If we are talking marine, then it is a lot easier in the long run to go custom glass, probably cheaper as you don't have to modify as much to get things added to it. plus you can do a lot to a tank after you get it as well i.e. drill holes for sump/ filter fixtures, upgrade lighting to go for more intensity or LED fittings.

  4. I wouldn;t be surprised if those were a hybrids, they have a sort of acara look to the bodies, and if they are from asia would suspect dying/tatooing going on. then again wait till you see a male jewel in breeding colours under an atman 15000K light

  5. have used both, the all in ones are great for starting out, but the filters are kinda pathetic and the carbon pads are a money waster. got a 7 year old AR980 at work with no problems so I don't think the build quality is bad. and the modifications of the filter to a external are easy as. My main gripe with them is the lights are normally right at the front so makes planted setup a bit harder (especially when you want tall, light intensive plants as a background.) I'm quite impressed with the new Aqua one nano cubes though, the built in sump filter looks quite good, anyone had any experience with these????

    personally I prefer to build myself from a bare glass tank, that way you can get the best equipment for the job, and not stuck to just one brand.

  6. its illegal to sell a NZ native, he's just collecting them from the wild, no matter how much he claims they have bred in his tank (unless he's somehow figured out how to deal with the marine planktonic stage)

    plus he's charging $5-$10 for something that takes 2 seconds to net out of a creek

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