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Posts posted by F15hguy

  1. lol yeah, had 3 packages arriving over 3 days once, stayed at home throughout, one I missed cuz I was on the loo, one as I went to hang out washing and last one I caught as he walked up driveway as I was half naked running out from the shower.

    hate those missed package notes

  2. parts sorted...

    also for everyones info

    have talked to the guys and they have set up pondmaster pumps before outside of the water.

    only issues are that it needs to be kept below intake level to prevent drying out in power cut (creates its own syphon to draw water into it), and make sure all your seals are tight. over heating is not a problem as the water passing inside will cool it.

    running it dry will burn it out in a few minutes. if it does burn out there is normally no danger to the surroundings, the resin encasing the motor expands a bit and it stops working.

  3. Was talking to a guy who put 10 neons into a 100L long tank to start his cycling, and noticed that they all seperated and started making small territories for themselves similar to tiny lil cichlids,

    have noticed in my tanks when there is about 40 - 60 they will form a really tight school, but when the school dropt to around 20 - 25 they spread out.

    also noticed that to get a realy tight forming school, add an angel fish :P

    hell of a lot of behavioural actions for a tiny lil fish

  4. then again, until about 10 years ago, Dario dario WAS Badis badis, now there something like 10 seperate specie of Badis and Dario

    hrmmm... now to convince SWMBO that breeding 2cm long fish is a noble goal

  5. my one lost an eye due to a fight, other than that and a few torn fins, nothing much happened, but the other fish got a bit stressed by the fighting. IMO if you can ( and bring yourself to) I would remove one male just to remove any possibility of trouble

  6. one of my regulars has successfully crossed a black orchid croown with a regular dark blue crown female, waiting on a bit of size before I check them out, she also bought a Black Orchid CT pair (the male was a lot stronger body with longer points on fins) and last I Heard he was building a big nest

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