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Everything posted by alexyay

  1. Do you plan on keeping it in a tank? If so, you may be out of luck. CPs are adapted to low-nutrient environments, so while they may like wet-feet (or be fully aquatic), they tend to not do so well in tanks. Utricularia gibba may be found, but is weedy and invasive, so not such a good choice. I have some Utricularia dichotoma growing in a DIY "bog" outside (along with a couple of other CPs), but I suspect it wouldn't do so well in my tanks. Unfortunately Utricularia graminifolia isn't available in NZ. But yeah, +1 for the NZ Carnivorous Plant Society - they were absolutely fantastic and really helpful when I met them (got myself a few cool beginner CPs, too!).
  2. I hope you don't keep naturally free-swimming fish in tanks then (where's my hole-digging emoticon???)
  3. I believe there might be one opening soon but not sure what's available at the moment.
  4. They're genuinely the only 3 instructions - are you on Chrome or Firefox?
  5. A quick, easy fix - install the Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Chrome) extensions, make a new script and copy and paste the following: // ==UserScript== // @name AquariumWorld // @namespace http://aquariumworld.nz/ // @version 0.1 // @description Changes forum post styles // @author You // @match http://aquariumworld.nz/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function addGlobalStyle(css) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } addGlobalStyle('.ipsBox:not( .ipsBox_transparent ) { background-color: #FFF; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-width: 1px; }');It doesn't look lovely, but it'll add a small black border around each post, so you can see where they start and finish (personally I don't have any issues with the theme, so I've not bothered to make it look nice, lol).
  6. Poly is definitely necessary under most tanks but some branded tanks (such as Juwel) state not to use poly under their tanks as they are braced in a way that they don't need it. I think AquaOnes may be similar (my little 31L came with a thin sheet of black foam with it, not that I think it does much lol).
  7. Went and saw these guys on Saturday - they were awesome! Would definitely jump on the chance if I had the tank space
  8. What are you feeding (brand, food type)? Autopsy pics look pretty healthy (well, other than being dead) - although I can't tell (noob) whether the top organ in the first photo is a gonad or kidney - if kidney, it looks like it might have some fatty deposits on it? Though it could also be an ovary full of eggs and I've just not dissected enough fish (I have a habit of taking all the organs out first, and haven't had many chances to dissect large fish where I can easily discern what everything is, lol).
  9. alexyay

    Hara Jerdoni

    I honestly had trouble getting them eating anything other than bloodworms - however I've not been able to train them to eat earlier in the day lately, so can only tell based on what foods are left over after feeding at night. Personally - I'd imagine they would struggle to compete with Sterbais. They're likely best kept as the only bottom dwellers (and they also prefer much lower temps than Sterbais).
  10. Personally, I've been really busy with business & expo stuff (I imagine others attending the Auckland Pet Expo have been pretty busy also) - so haven't had any chance to check the forums! The new ease of use has definitely made it better for me to check regularly, though
  11. I've found most stores sell them (though they're not always in stock) - usually range between $2.50-$6 per tube.
  12. Late response - but Carines are lovely They're not importers, though, so will be restricted to what their wholesale list is. Unfortunately over the last couple of years there have only been 3 freshwater species in NZ - - Fahaka puffer (600-800L minimum) - Dragon/Humpback puffer (quite an inactive fish - has been compared to keeping a rock - but is definitely on my want list!) - Dwarf puffers (as you already know). I haven't seen the Dragons in for a while - it's Redwoods also who have imported them. We've had a couple of other species in the past, however the likelihood of them being imported again is unfortunately quite low
  13. Haha, was it you who bought all of them? Can you please let me know if you manage to breed the Panduro? As I'd be keen in a pair
  14. Are you able to get your KH (and possibly GH) tested?
  15. It might be worth putting your location in the title of the post
  16. alexyay


    Ooh, really? I might consider that - she's usually spending a good amount of time looking after them - this lot have been free swimming for a few days, so I might consider it (I am assuming they died due to her eating them and not environmental/feeding - it's hard to tell). She readily comes out for food when I'm near, so catching her is a piece of cake.
  17. Lymphocystis or pox? Anchor worms could be another possibility. (none fit OP, imo - I've not seen anchor worms in NZ but I have seen a few cases overseas with them on goldies)
  18. Honestly, it could be any stem plant from a distance - a pic of the emersed leaf and submerged leaf could be useful. These can be a bit difficult to use, but are a beautiful resource for IDing aquatic plants in NZ - https://www.niwa.co.nz/freshwater-and-estuaries/management-tools/identification-guides-and-fact-sheets/macrophyte-plant-id-guides - personally, I seem to see more pest plants found in NZ waterways than natives (although those looking for IDs have often gotten the plant from somewhere close to human settlements where invasive plants have been introduced).
  19. How much of the filter did you clean?
  20. Very good spotting! I'll be a very happy camper if they're B ruber - being totally new to Badis I've not experienced their colouration/pattern changes with growth - perhaps my one that looks to be another Sp will decide to change soon
  21. Thanks Haha, I still don't see why not. Maybe open the net secretly when no one's home - the mozzies grow, and you can convince them the net is useless anyway
  22. Thanks They've actually got them growing in a tank with a spiny eel, so I imagine they'd probably survive mine - as long as they won't start nibbling on the fish, I'm keen
  23. I am still after some of the following for a photography project - I am more than happy to pay for shipping, and for your time to collect samples I still need: - Mosquito Larvae - Backswimmers - I believe it is Boatmen that I already have photographed, however if someone notices that the ID is wrong let me know! - Earthworms (not Tiger Worms, some native Earthworms would be cool) - Peamussels - Latia - I am always happy to take any other cool little inverts you find A big thanks to those who have helped me out so far - here are some photos of previous ones supplied (please do not distribute any of these without my permission): Daphnia: Ostracods: Corixa / Water Boatman Caddisfly Larvae (unfortunately these photos didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, and I only had a couple of days as I had to shut down the tank soon after!) Thanks!
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