Please feel free to move this, I'm not sure what section it's supposed to go in - sorry
I know very little about fire eels, but I may be getting one from my father who was told by the person who gave it to him that they stay small (and of course, didn't do research) - after getting interested in him I Googled them to find out they can grow to 36", and will probably feed on the rest of his fish once he gets bigger :facepalm:.
Of course, he probably hasn't been fed enough because of the lack of research that my dad's done - currently he's feeding about a block (I'm not sure what to call it) of frozen blood worms a day, but it was a lot less before. He's had the fire eel about 8mnths and it's around 8", at my best guess - how big would they usually be do you think at maybe 8-10 months? What age do they usually become fully grown?
Approximately how much do you think you spend on feeding an adult fire eel per month? I don't want to take this on if I can't afford it, and we'll find someone else to adopt him, but after looking at Youtube videos of fire eels, I think they're beautiful fish and I'd love to have it (I'm not sure how happy my mother would be about this, but Dad thinks that he's been feeding on the baby guppies in the tank and I'd like to take him before he gets any bigger). I'm currently paying for 3 rats and I'm still in school so I don't have too much to spend on him, but I think that I may be able to get some financial support from my father. Are there any supplies that you would need specifically for a fire eel and what would the costs be?
I was originally looking into getting a 130-250L tank for a betta fish, but those plans may change now - what size tanks do you recommend? Does a 250L sound OK or would a 300L do better? Currently we're looking on TradeMe for tanks, but are there any other places that you can get tanks reasonably cheap? Would you need specific filters and heating for fire eels?
I'm sorry for the amount of questions I've asked But thank you for reading all of this!