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Everything posted by #!CrunchBang

  1. I think I got a speeding ticket passing slow people on the Hamilton expressway on labour weekend, only been learning to drive for a few weeks...
  2. If the v3000 is as old as my first laptop, it's a pata connection, not a sata connection. And pata was relegated to history in ~2007/8
  3. Have to be a very small train and a lot of energy to even get close to the speed of light.
  4. Which brings the question, why does a deity have to have caused something?
  5. If you're interested about evolution, Richard Dawkins book The Selfish Gene and the origin of species would be a good place to start. Just remember the idea of Creationism is 5000 plus years old and the modern concept of evolution is less than 200 years old and it's still developing and expanding. If you want an example of evolution all you have to do is look at how bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics, that is evolution in action.
  6. Through uni, I get 2 keys for all sorts of software, looks like i might get 2 more keys :happy2:
  7. I have a barb with one eye called zombie, it's the best coloured one but hasn't grown much. It's doing fine, you'll have to be sure the angel feeds
  8. Been using Windows 8 for 3 days, cause i got it free. It's not that bad once you get used to some of the control features and it's faster then windows 7, Plus you can nuke the 'smartscreen' and have a more windows 7 like experience if you have the right stuff to do it.
  9. From Now to Never - Sparta
  10. Socks don't count :digH: :smot:
  11. The placebo effect is a wonderful thing for the not too bright. :slfg:
  12. http://pricespy.co.nz/ is cheaper then trade me for new stuff
  13. I think you mean "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo"
  14. This should be renamed dyslexic torture, It has taken me years to learn these bloody homophones. I have: there, they're, their hair, here, hare your, you're and many others sorted out. Now having to work on its and it's
  15. Just make sure you have the tools to do the job, like a torque wrench and loctite
  16. Here, have a scientific documentary on weed by the BBC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMnTURDlTWo
  17. I thought greg made HFF's tanks?
  18. By getting a 2 piece open cell one for freediving and nearly passing out from the heat.
  19. I vac in the open areas and around the edges of rocks to release gases in the sand, but leave around plants so the roots aren't disturbed.
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