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Everything posted by Pegasus

  1. Niece lives in Yorkshire... England .. and Diesel the Beardie is her pride and joy. Found a decent site that gave a bit of info... http://www.bio.miami.edu/ktosney/file/B ... rity-47857 Thanks everyone Bill.
  2. Twenty Four Beardie Eggs... My Niece has a bearded draqon that she has had for around two years. She thought it was a male, and named it Diesel.. but on looking in on it today she saw it had laid twenty four eggs. I know nothing about these animals.. but I am presuming the eggs will be infertile.. as it has not been anywhere near another Beardie in all the time she has had it. Is this correct.. Will they be infertile...? Bill.
  3. Hi again, You ask: You would just treat the QT tank.. but first you have to establish that it is "indeed" a parasite.. then once you know.. the local LFS should have the meds that will sort it. Bill.
  4. Hard to believe that they don't stock a suitable sealant. The type you want is as above... or one by Rosfoc.. called RTV Silicone Sealant .... Professional for Glass and Ceramic use. I wouldn't trust ANYTHING... unless it said it was safe for aquarium use. ANY decent hardware shop stocks it.
  5. Hi there, Golfish keepers often use Salt as ... A Tonic... A Cure... A Preventative.. plus a number of other uses.. but it is not "normal" practice to add it to a White Cloud Mountain Minnow tank.. You say: Is it possible that you have dragged up some bad sediment or bacteria when you were doing the syphon..? This would seem to be the likely cause if it happened the day after the tank clean. Bill.
  6. Hi Lene, Sounds like you have something "drastically" wrong somewhere.. or your fish has contracted something. You say: These are the symptoms of a fish in great distress, and acting as though it is trying to get away from something. One of the main causes here are "GILL INFECTIONS" or.. "GILL PARASITES" The infections can come in the form of toxic water conditions.. (high ammonia content).. which is literally "burning" the insides of the gills.. or "Labarinth" in this case. Obvious signs are "INFLAMED GILLS".. and the obvious cure is lots of water changes. The Gill Parasites are a bit harder to spot.. unless you do a gill scrape and an examination with a microscope... but a "reasonable" indication is that the fish constantly flicks against things.. much as it would with White Spot. You say: Obviously the fish is absolutely worn out after all the stressing out.. which is why it looks lifeless for a while. One "other" thing that it "might" be.. but unlikely... I once had a tank of fish that were going crazy.. much as above. To cut a long story short... the heater glass had cracked and they were going potty each time the heater came on. I got a fair old crack as I put my hand in the water and touched the metal hood.. Some say fish can't get a shock because they are not earthed.. but a replacement heater calmed them all down... so I can't comment on whether they feel the shocks or not.. but I certainly did Being in a Quarantine Tank... it is presumed it is on it's own... Is this correct...? Take care now... Bill.
  7. You are obviously clicking the wrong tab... as this is the "only" way you can create a "New Topic" Any "Liquid Refreshment" hanging around...? ... Bill.
  8. JDM said: It SHOULD read... (if you google "these " you should be able to find out what one of these things are, Ben.. How are members supposed to learn anything when you post fifteen or more pics without identifying a single one...? I'm sure there are many others with the same thoughts.. or are you just posting pics for the ones that are conversant with the types... or perhaps you don't know yourself..? Bill.
  9. Pegasus

    Hello All :)

    Welcome Dorygirl, We need lots of pics of your collection in the Reptile section Hope you enjoy your visits. Bill.
  10. Hi Mark, You seem a real popular guy, with a real exciting job. Great to have you along, and we look forward to hearing of your progress :) Bill.
  11. Pegasus

    Hi All

    You will probably get called CG from now on :)... But anyway.. a very warm welcome to you and we hope you enjoy your visits here. Bill.
  12. Pomreef said: Probably like this.. as per my post. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/13-may ... tml#236887 ... by using the mesh and knit technique. Bill.
  13. A L said: ] This "might" be the [prob... as there is a limit on your mail box size.. and once it is full.. then you may not see any mail you might have. Try cleaning some of the unwanted messages out... (you can save the important ones).. then see how it goes. There "was" a small prob with the PM system last week... (See NZ Fishroom Website section).. but it is well sorted now, Bill.
  14. Ha Ha... I think it was before the invention of the Kodak Brownie :) Sorry.. no pics.. but certain things in the life of a fishkeeper stick out.. and my days of being "Brackish" were great times. I "do" remember that "anything" I put in .. in the way of plant or such.. usually turned to mush after a while.. but back then there was not the knowledge and understanding on filtration and such as there is today... plus no internet of course.. (Geez... how did we ever manage without the net.. ) I recon the answer to "that" mushy prob was going TIDAL... but I never got around to that ha ha. The best Sailfin Mollies I ever had or bred were from Brackish setups.. and feeding was a breeze as I used to grow brineshrimp on to over half an inch in size.. so they got heaps of that. If you can find an inlet that is fed by the sea... then take a trip a few miles upstream to where it starts getting brackish.. (taste the water if need be ... ).. then you "may" find quite a few various plants.. and even fish and invert life that would suit a brackish setup. All the Brackish fish are quite common in the UK shops.. but don't seem to be over here. Pretty amazing all the life that you find along the edges of a tidal estuary.. especially under rocks and hidden in the mud. Great stuff Bill.
  15. Get some semi rigid plastic covered mesh... a bit like "Gutter Guard" or something from the garden centre. 10mm square hole size would be ideal.. and the colour doesn't matter.. as it will be hidden eventually. Hold it over some heat.. or use a heat gun to distort and crumple it to a desired shape. Let it cool.. the "KNIT" some carpet type plant into it... like Nittella... or Riccia... plus there's another type of spreader that I can't think of... but using this method you can poke any plant through the holes and they will thrive.. a bit like an aqua hydroponic setup Choose the right mesh.. and don't make it too flimsy. Once the plant takes hold it spreads like mad, and you will soon have a living wall that you can bend and shape to suit your needs. Small rocks could be bound on with fishing line.. or stainless steel wire, and these will also blend in nicely once the plant takes hold. Let your imagination run wild.... there are no rules :) If you want to add some substrate... then attach a plate of perspex under the mesh and add support as needed. Bill.
  16. Ooooohhh... Takes me back to some very happy times when I kept Archers... Scats.. and Monos.... and even had a few show class Mollies in there at one bit. Choice fish to keep if you can get the conditions right... and keep them right :) Choice pic BTW. Also BTW: There's a million tons and more Mangroves just up the road from us.. and they seem pretty common in most estuaries. Bill.
  17. Pegasus


    There is also details at the head of several forums.. but here it is "again" You need to have your pics stored in a place that will allow you to access them from here for uploading. If you want your pics to show up, then click on the OPENING Do NOT have the BB and HTML boxes ticked in the posting area. Colour just for clarification. Bill.
  18. The only "sure" way to know is to look and see if you can spot "any" wrigglers... even one will do.. then you know you have a pair I always found that a bit of plastic Marley pipe about 40mm diam propped up at a 45deg angle in the tank corner did the trick every time. It's easy to clean.. easy to remove if things look bad... and is like a magnet to the fish.. as I would almost guarantee that they will take to it as soon as they are ready to spawn. Best bit is... that if they are in good condition, they will spawn every ten days.. but always give them a break after a couple of batches.. it takes a lot out of them. You might be wondering "why" they choose the filter.. They are pretty smart when it comes to rearing young.. and because the eggs need a constant flow around them.. (which the parents normally provide).. they choose the filter area because of the water flow around that area... so if you use a pipe as above... prop it in the filter corner if you can. Bill.
  19. BOi said: We at the NZ Fishroom "DO" hope that you read this first bOi... and got permission to use these drawings... http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/the-ru ... t3805.html Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to draw that up.. and had you not been asked.. it seemed that you were about to take the credit for it. Mod Bill.
  20. Angels... like many Cichlids, have an instinct about the "quality" of the brood they are producing.. and (with the Angels).. they will wallop the lot off if they think that they are not up to scratch. They will also (if they are good parents).. remove all the infertile eggs.. (the white ones).. and as above (as Caryl points out).. you can get two females laying like clockwork.. but of course all the eggs will be white and infertile. If you "do" have a pair... then it is well worth waiting to see if the parents will eventually rear a decent batch.. as it's a sight you never forget. I wrote this some time ago... might help a bit if you get a moment to read it. http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/bre ... ngels.html Bill.
  21. Good to have you along Ketan, Hope you find lots of interest here. Bill.
  22. Nice vid Spider... well presented and very easy to follow. Something you could add is an additional feature of PB (Photobucket).. and that is FLOCK. Around the upload boxes on PB there is an option that allows you to upload more than two or three pics by using Flock. Once you have Flock installed.. all you do is just highlight the pics ..(directly on your own hard drive).. that you want to upload to PB .. and then just click the UPLOAD tag.. then forget it. You can upload as many pics as you want.. and all un-attened.. because Flock does it all. It should also be noted that if you have several albums running, that you should nominate the album you want to upload to.. "before" you actually upload the pics.. otherwise it will just be placed in the main default album. Great stuff Spider Bill.
  23. Fixed up the incorrect links in this thread. If you want your pics to show up, then click on the OPENING http://i9999.photobucket.com/albums/l282/MY FISHES/03-29.jpg If your pic does NOT show up after this... then you have done something wrong.. or the site you are using does not allow uploading from their site. Suggest Photobucket if you have probs. If you are posting a pic... then your link should look like this PUT%20YOUR%20LINK%20HERE' alt='color]'> Colour just for clarification. Bill.
  24. A friend called Misty sent me this a number of years back. It may help those having probs keeping their pools or large tanks clean. Pic only shows one layer of medium.. but multiple layers can be stacked easily. Barrel shown is the screw top type. Bill.
  25. Alan looks for his glasses... :)
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