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Everything posted by Jammos

  1. ok thanks. it was just that someone told me it is only toxic while it was wet. But thanks for clearing this up.
  2. I have got a clear sealent that says it is ok for aquarium use. so does it mean it is ok under water?
  3. Hi I was wanting to know what moss is best to quickly climb up a rock structure and cover it. Also how do you go about not to destroy it when I am cleaning the tank. And how do you get it to latch onto the rocks(does it do it naturally)?
  4. Just wondering how to go about it. I was wanting to put some rock levels up the side of the tank but was told that sealent in fish water = poisened fish? If that is the case i will build a structure and place it in the corner. So can sealent be put in water with fish?
  5. Jammos

    pleco queries

    thanks how did you create the current? just put an internal filter in the top of the water? I was hope to create a whole bunch of rock shelves up in a couple of corners (so you can see in ) and get some kind of moss to grow over it all. I was going to get a pair of one of the above and then a couplemore later on.
  6. Jammos

    pleco queries

    just really trying to decide on some at the mo. got it down to green lemon spot gold nugget snow ball pepermint and butterfly at the mo
  7. Jammos

    pleco queries

    plecos (in general)
  8. Jammos

    pleco queries

    that sounds good. So I can mix and match. might try and design a new tank setup. How old are they when they can start breeding? 1ish?
  9. Jammos

    pleco queries

    just wondering how to sex my lepord pleco(L001) and my common pleco (l023) should i post pics? if so from top down or sides? Also if I get some rear plecos will the commns breed with them or do they stick to their own?
  10. Jammos

    plec query

    Oh ok. I was told that if you have a tiny tank and say put angels in it they would stop at a certian size. Then after a couple of years if you transfered them into a huge tank they then would start growing til full size. I know it sounds silly but I thought i would ask
  11. Jammos

    plec query

    Just wondering if plecs will keep growing in a tank or do they only grow to the tank like other fish?? May sound dumb but I was just wondering
  12. it is suppose to be on the weekend of the 13th Feb.
  13. Just wonering if its still happening, if so how many are going??
  14. sounds good please pm me your bank account number and I will pm my address. Thanks
  15. hey whats it worth to get one of each plus post to Palmerston North?
  16. hi when was the last one published as I ahve not received on and have been a member for about the last 4ish months down here in Palmy
  17. I have 8 of them all about 15cm each. They only seem to like pleco tablets and a veggie mix i get from the local shop. I have also found they are very shy eaters and find that I try to fead them as quick as possible then if I sit down a couple of metres away to watch they will wait til everything is on the bottom then push everyone out of the way to get at them. So try this reverse idea as I think they must be one of the dumbist fish I own (even though I love them dearly).
  18. Jammos

    zebra plecs

    should be alright if all the hiding places are at the front.
  19. Jammos

    zebra plecs

    thats fine but I just wanted to know about their nature from anyone who has had them before. I have heard they are aggressive little fellows so if they are too aggressive I might not get any. But if they are just moody then I could be still interested.
  20. don't worry found some pics. will definetly take one if not two(depending)
  21. i could be interested. Do you have any photos??
  22. Jammos

    zebra plecs

    I'm just looking at buying one and know they are terrortorial(sorry spelling) but I was hoping for people to tell me the ins and outs to them (apart from price) from their experiences of keeping them. Can the be kept with silver dollars?? as my other ones stuck to the side of them so they got put in another tank! all comments great thanks.
  23. cheers so it could be a long process if going to a 100L tank. Thanks
  24. thanks for that. will set one up tonight
  25. Just wondering what the setup should be for moving babies for the first time. Last time I did it they all died. at the mo they are in a 30L tank with only a cotton wool filter and a log with moss on. The angels are all an inch tall (about 2 months old). Can I move them to a 100L tank with an undergravel or is that a too bigger step? should the bottom be bare again?
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