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Everything posted by Jammos

  1. hey no thats fine. thanks everyone. just thought i would check.
  2. definately no scale sticking out. so is there nothing you can do once egg bound?
  3. Hi one of my friends has this gold fish in their pond and we were wondering how to help it as it is bloated. see below. ta all
  4. do you have their number please?
  5. Hey thanks for that. The vet has told me that i need to bring some info on where i got the info from ie vet (with name and number to call) (or print off a website) so they can add it to their file as it is a perscription drug. and what dose? they come in a 200 and a 400! what a learning experience for me
  6. yes it is planted. I watch them each night to make sure everyone is happy so time will tell(if i can find a spare tank). But i can put the sick into a 80 litre hexag tank.
  7. hey thanks for that. It is a 250 litre tank and there are 4 little discus and 4 fully grown. plus tetras, bristles, plecos, etc. are any fish not allowed this in the tank? ta
  8. ok excellent thanks. Can i get you to send some down if i put some money in your account? as our vet doesn't have it (just checked) would it be best to do whole tank to make sure?
  9. white with pink in. you think it could be something else? He isn't the happy discus i once knew
  10. Hi all. One of my discus has lost alot of weight very quickly and is swimming around near the top with all his fins clamped up. I thought it was other things but he is still eating. therefore i think it is worms and there is nowhere between palmy and taupo that can help? So can someone please help i don't mind paying for the worming tablets as i know you can get. ta
  11. Jammos

    Zebra Pleco

    butterfly plecos are closeish. different shape and cream rather than white. just as a thought as i have bought two and i call them "my zebras"
  12. thats not fair i can only get them for 100. What shop do you go to catbrat? do you work at one?
  13. rcon21 where do you get ancistrus claro for 60?
  14. these are what i have seen - Goldie/sunshine pleco - 100 blue & green lemon spotted greens - 160 gold spot - 180 L001 - 40 common pleco - 25 Snowball - 180 Snowflake -140 mango - 140 golden vampire - 170 Royal - 140 Gold line Royal - 180 Butterfly - 190 Scarlet - 210 Albino - 50 star spotted - 45 L204 - 135 L002 - 135 peru zebra - 90 thats all off the top of my head at the mo hopefully catbrat can add to this
  15. you could try his website as it has pics, or planet catfish will help you with the told half or so.
  16. Jammos

    Ancistrus claro

    talk to wonderworld in rotorua as they will order one for you. the only people who have these are me you and catbrat. and sorry to say we won't let them go. sorry to say
  17. just to add on how big would a tank need to be for breeding discus ie by themselves?
  18. I thinkyour are right and they are th L270's catbrat. Also you mind me asking what you paid for them and does tropical blues have a website?
  19. Hi Just wondering how to get rid of this in a established tank? I have tried scrubbing it off but it just comes back and it is taking over my plants. It is probably a common question so sorry. In the tank is my discus, tetras etc. ta
  20. hi I didn't know that. It was labelled as a "blue" but I had never seen one and he did look exactly the same as my LSGP. be interesting to see when it grows up if someone we know gets it.
  21. Just to let everyone know that I have just got back from paraparumu ad at the pet shop at coastlands shopping centre is a gold nuggett for only 120!!! and a lemon spotted green pleco for 140. I wish i could of afforded them but I had just got some discus.
  22. hi are those the onlt bristles you imported? i.e. the ones on your price list?
  23. i have 2 goldies. aka sunshine plecos. and 2 matto grosso bristlenoses.
  24. I have got bristles in another tank and had thought of chinese algae eaters but won't all of these get eaten by the clown knife? Is there something that grows bigger than 8cm? Might have to get bristles and hope they last
  25. Just wondering what to get for my tank as i have a stone setup and my plecos aren't doing too well. But this critter can't be too small otherwise the ghost knife and clown knif e will eat him. any suggestions?
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