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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Whats the reasons behind everyones usernames? I couldn't decide on what to call myself so I chose my first name and why i'm on this forum, because Josh likes fish :lol:
  2. God of War is an amazing game. Dantes inferno was rubbish compared to GOW
  3. I think i'm set for tanks now. Will clean fix and sell most though. Will probably swap them out with some of the tanks I have atm
  4. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =326092043 I just won that :lol: Any idea how to move the 12 tanks in one trip? I was thinking a van. How do I stack them etc? Thanks
  5. Sucks because when he spent a minute spelling out my mums name, we paid like $3.00 :lol: I swear sony must pay people to stay quite about that stuff! Nobody ever hears about it...
  6. When I got my RROD fixed, it was free. Except all the hassle speaking to a phillopeno man who said a for apple b for barry througout all of our details... My console has RROD'd again but would have needed to pay to fix again. But luckly it rose from the grave and works now
  7. I remember the days when you playstation fans used to give us grief for red ring of death. "Ps3 never breaks like the 360" etc etc... Karma :lol: Is there any DIY methods?
  8. I have the space ATM and I have a lot of brine shrimp flakes (180g for $18). I have some other odd size tanks that I might trade for bits and pieces. Really need food and heaters(and cash :lol: )
  9. :lol: My 4ftr is overrun with algae and looked a mess so they're in a 90-30-30 for two weekish. New scape etc might trigger them
  10. It was a false positive. No eggs
  11. I will give you some microworms. Pm me and i'll give you my address. While you are over you can see my fighter set up. I have fed microworms for 2-3 months and still sometimes feed them to my 3month old babies. Microworm's can be fed at around 3 days after hatching, that should be when they are free swimming As for filters, when the fry are two weeks free swimming(can swim horizontally), run an air pump slowly in the tank. I had a big syringe with air line tubing attached to suck up waste. Slowly add more water till it reaches the top of the tank. Don't stress about removing and replacing any water yet. http://bettysplendens.com/articles/catv ... ?catid=856 I found that website very helpful HTH, Remember to PM me about the worms
  12. Danios are egg layers. Need to seperate males from the females before you spawn them anyway, so you'd need a divided tank or two tanks.
  13. Oh wait 11 because I now have a 3ft hex on my bench full of heated water :lol:
  14. Checked them before lights off. Males still going at it but the female is now has her head facing out the log as if she wants to leave but he's not letting him :-?
  15. Joshlikesfish


    My name is Josh and I'm a fishaholic. I only started keeping fish again at the start of the year. Now running 9 tanks, trying to breed fighters and plecs. Need a display tank :oops:
  16. The first two fighters I got off Adrienne either died in the bag or died three days later. These things happen :-?
  17. Fighters die quite young and randomly. My favorite fighter died a few days ago randomly. Only about 14 months old
  18. She's in there for sure Have lit some candles, turned on the jazz music and have left the garage :lol:
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