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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Is solder aquarium safe? Was going to use as a weight.
  2. Got me this boy =D Halfmoon =D Animates has a special at the moment, they fighters are $14. Botany has had this halfmoon, with a $70 price tag, that i've been eyeing up. I asked if it still had the hefty price tag. The guy in the store told me that all fighters are fighters, and that i could have him for $14 =D Best deal i've had at animates ever haha. Hopefully this guy lasts longer then my other ones! I plan to make babies with him =D (also getting some tiger barbs tomorrow)
  3. Bigger the tank, the easier the levels are to maintain. HTH
  4. That is exactly what i thought when i saw the auction. Kids at school think they find them at the local reserve. LOL I always thought it was unsafe to eat wild mushrooms?
  5. Thats a nice looking tank you've got there. You should take advantage of your breeding group of sterbai =D I know i would! :roll:
  6. $7 for 25L isn't too bad =D Just needs a good clean =p
  7. I'm thinking of it from a physicists/mathmaticians point of few. Must have been a TRUCK LOAD of calculation
  8. She has amazing fighters. The fighters she breed are gorgeous, AND cheaper then petstores. She is also a lovely lady. What more can you ask for? =D
  9. Oh, i also took the stems, grass, java moss and ferns from my other tank. Anybody willing to trade Cabomba/Ambulia for some swordtails or something feel free to PM me =D I'm also willing to pay for plants
  10. Hey guys. This is my first attempt at a planted tank =D Used corse play sand from Mitre 10 as the substrate. Added a rock and some wood as the hardscape, will hopefully grow some fern on this =D Used corse play sand from Mitre 10 as the substrate. Added a rock and some wood as the hardscape, will hopefully grow some fern on this =D My original plan was to grow ambulia, cabomba, java fern and java moss. Due to the lack of this at the LFS, i got 10 unidentified plants haha. I'm running a ALEAS HOB, Stingray internal and a heater. And this is my attempt at DIY CO2 Hopefully move my baby rams into there in a few weeks =]
  11. In the current economic state, jobs for "kids" are hard to find. Unemployment rate is high. Also, in my opinion, minimum wage is too high. People needing to hire new staff have a lot of choices. Unemployment is currently at 6.0%(i think). P44, if you were hiring, you would choose a young adult with an education and experience, not a silly little kid like myself, and would still only have to pay minimum wage. Jobs for kids are hard. A lot of us try, a lot of us fail. Nobody wants kids when they can have adults. Who would buy a Neon if Cardinals were the same price? :lol:
  12. God i hate all the teen talks.
  13. when you log into this forum before facebook
  14. 17 wow haha. My MTS has lead me to 6 tanks, and my girlfriend already thinks i'm loopy
  15. Those things are nasty. Fish keepers with big fish should be given permits to use them as feeder fish :lol: :lol:
  16. :bounce: :bounce: I love getting stuff in the mail! Atm im waiting on brine shrimp eggs and live microworms haha :bounce: :bounce:
  17. You have to catch them spawning to make sure they aren't doing the baby making without the right tools
  18. The test kits are only like $20 on TM? I know you can test CO2 with limewater
  19. Welcome. Enjoy your stay :bounce:
  20. Do you have a tank for it? Looks like you had fun =D
  21. I forced two mates over and got my dad to help haha The ignorance is what let the glass chip on the bottom cut me, twice
  22. Google didn't want to tell me haha. Obviously my luck isn't the best =p
  23. Very heavy... This guy and i struggled to lift it into my car. Two wasn't enough. Was a real struggle
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