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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I just walked in on my two fighters getting it on in the back left corner of my 4ftr :bounce: :bounce:

    He had the choice of 4 females and he picked the girl he spawned with last time. Strangely enough i witnessed a second female come along, acting like the other one did before spawning, only to be chased away by the couple. Losing half the eggs in the process -.-

    But yeah. second fighter spawn. Not sure what to do. Will it be safe to try and put the wriggles into a net breeder once i get them?

  2. Today I was doing some casual maintenance in the tank with a friend over. After noticing my two newest female fighters missing, I uprooted a lot of plants to find no corpses. I then thought to myself "@q@#!@&*(#*&(&*^!@^#&@!&^%$&^@!%$^%!@&^* I PUT A CANISTER FILTER ON THE TANK!!!" I unplugged the filter, lifter it on top of the tank. I could make out the shapes of the two fighters through the green body of my EHIEM 2213. Man did i freak haha. I took off the top to find a black neon that had found its way up the side of the basket and into the filter wool. (I later had to kull it :( ) Then i found a Ram stuck between the cannister and the bucket :(

    After rescuing the two females, the ram, and disposing of the half eaten platy and the platy with about 15cm in length intestines hanging out of it, I had learnt my lesson...

    Hopefully my female fighters will be ok. Want to use them to spawn with as soon as my first batch of fry move into a bigger tank :D

  3. ...Are a pain in the bum.

    I'm thinking about getting rid of mine and maybe getting a couple of little corydora? I liked the algae eaters at first, but they doubled in size and are getting slightly aggressive towards my fighter... They dont even really do much algae eating anymore... Any one else had similar problems???

    As i am speaking my larger one is thrashing around and swimming around crazily...

    I had once. It disappeared. Never to be seen again. No idea why.

    They grow to about 15cm. Too big for a 34L

  4. There are a number of additives to shipping water including sedatives, antiseptics, water stabilisers and antibiotics. Often fish are shipped in isotonic solutions of salt (0.9% NaCl or 9 grams per litre).

    Basically puts them in a coma right? To save energy etc etc to allow them to live for longer? Something like that? haha

  5. Chances are (no offense) if you're the age of my parents, then Internet and colour tv didn't exist which almost takes away the point of being inside.

    Agreed. And now days exercise can be done indoors too haha =p Like at the gym =D Which reminds me, i should be going there very soon

  6. Gosh Josh we could have picked them up last weekend for you if you'd planned in advance lol, after the HFF and Pupuke mission!
    Did i mention them to you? haha. How my mum had a fit and I couldn't go and get them? I didn't know you were going out that way ^^
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