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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Maybe ^^ Will have to see how good of a picture i can get. That way i don't have to faff around getting permision etc. Theres a whole list of things i cant have on the card. And have to have permission to use the image

  2. Very pretty!!!! :bow:

    It didn't take you long to convince him to get a tank Steph ;) You have the knack for convincing people I believe.

    She also got him to wire more electricity into the garage... I think she's just using her womanly ways to get what she wants :wink:
  3. Would need someone to photo shop out the background but I have always liked this girl


    She's quite nice =D

    Tried Aquabid.com? They have heaps :D
    I shall now

    You are such a geek Josh! :P
    Lol Steph, I was thinking of getting a good photo of the one your boyfriend couldn't keep his eyes off :wink:
  4. My 4ftr currently has 3 females and 1 male fighter. Male is now very placid. Not agressive, and he's a pink PK so he looks like the females :wink:

    It was 4 females but ones in a breeding tank now 8) No problems with the 4 females. One female was a real cow but after her and the boyf spawned last week they have both been super placid

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