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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Fish prices have gone up as bureaucratic costs have gone up and not to mention quarantine costs and costs of fuel and freight.

    What costed $5 then costs more now. Wholesale costs have increased. They aren't supposed to stay flat are they?

    That is the reasoning behind my "logic" or rather more fact than logic.

    I was stating wild caught over bred stock.


  2. Had malaria 3 times (18months, 5, 12)

    Run over by a moving truck when I was 3 (soft sand underneath the wheels meant I rolled with the tire and got spat out, went over my arse and lower back)

    Ran through a glass door@school that was installed in the holidays (no safety glass, just normal pane glass) de-gloving my right forearm (2mm away from brachial artery), major stab-wound just below my ribs (any higher and it would have been lung) all up 500+ stitches and 120 staples (many stitches were internal micro-souchers joining my tendons back together) I was 14 at the time.

    Held up at gunpoint for my bike and my shirt @ 15,

    Shot in the leg with a Koi-San bow and arrow.http://www.theartofafrica.co.za/serv/hunting2.jsp

    Been shot at chasing after burglars, been shot in the leg walking home from school with a 9mm (more of a grazing, made a nice hole in my pants though...)

    Been trapped on the bottom on a dive in some discarded fishing line that wrapped around my leg and held my knife in its holder. Bloody scary since you can hardly see the stuff in the water....

    Been charged by a Bull elephant in "must"

    yup... shouldn't really be here.... lol

    Bloody hell!!!

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