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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. just a question... how else was the driver supposed to get into his driveway ?

    It was a driveway on the turn which he didnt need to go onto the wrong side of the road for. He didn't even stop after the incident, just proceded into his driveway. Think of an L, his driveway was right on the corner and he was heading up the shorter bit

  2. I had goldfish years ago as a kid that my cat used to be very interested in watching. A few weeks in a row we would come home and find a fish on the floor a metre or so from the fish tank and assumed we had kamikaze fish, cos our cat was the stupidest one ever (his name was Baldrick).

    Until we came home and caught him in the act of flicking the poor fish out of the bowl with his paw. He just liked to watch them fly :roll:

    Maybe check under your bed or around where a fish might jump/be flicked?

    Huge bummer tho, that sucks.

    My bed doesnt have an under part =/ i searched everywhere. I've gone out of my room for 45 seconds to find her with a baby swordie in her mouth =/

  3. Never mind. I did a google search on it, didn't come up with anything. Then I turned safe search off and it came up with some kind of goldfish.

    LMAO. As soon as i read "turned safe search off" i was expecting you to say something completely against forum rules :lol:

  4. That really sucks Adrieene! This world has some pretty terrible people! So many things that are out of our control that affect us in so many ways.

    I'm a road cyclist, and my school team often trains on a small side street which essentially follows a square. This man was pulling into his driveway as we were coming around the corner at half the speed limit. My friend hit him head on, and the rest of us missed him. The man had no insurance and blamed us even though he was on the wrong side of the road. When the cops came they accused us of being "irresponsible teenagers on racing bikes that had to have been racing around the corner." "i used to do what you do as a kid an i know i was pretty stupid so you guys must be too" Cops said my friend had to pay for all damage, and the $3000 bike that was possibly totaled. Thankfully my coaches daughter was the head officer in the cops that came to us department and we didnt get in any trouble =D (which we shouldn't have anyway)

    If its not going to affect somebody, they usually don't care. Humans suck :(

  5. electric_hair_clippers_d.jpg

    Kidding! When i was younger my step siblings always had. Tell your daughter to keep her hair tied in a bun or something, and not to put her head near other kids, or share hats. Tea tree oil is good. My mum used to use flea stuff. Like actual animal flea stuff on our heads. 3 drops? Wait twenty mins. Rinse out. Comp. Choice. But i only had short hair. Now that i have long hair(for a dude) and am at college, i don't have the lice problem =D Been a few years since i last heard about lice.

    Just be really persistent. Its going to be there for pretty much the first 8 years of schooling

  6. To be fair, the fish could have jumped. Then the cat could have eaten it.

    If you went home, you would have found a dead carpet fish. :(:( either ways, but this way the cat got a meal and the fish hopefully died faster. :o

    I could have, but it was more likely the cat did it =/ The fish was happy as! Blown a big nest, was chilling around the plants. Betta's are silly and he would have come to greet the cat and om nom nom...

    Then this is only fair when the cat gets old...


    I wish i could do that with my cat lmao

    My cat got my SAE when it jumped out. First I was scared that he'd caught a lizard. kinda relieved to find out that it was a common fish
    My cat has brought in countless lizards, and shes only a little over a year old. Found he up to no good so many times. She even found her way INSIDE the couch
  7. My other tanks have lids. This one was a recently set up planted tank. Didn't plan on putting fish in it =/ Oh well

    Time to start pricing clear achrylic i guess

    Many many many years ago, one of my previous cats was taking a bit too much interest in my flatmates goldfish bowl, I told her she needed to put some mesh or something on top of the tank.

    "Your cat is too stupid to catch my fish" she told me.

    The next day she came home to find that her goldfish had become a dorsal fin.

    "Your cat has eatin my fish" she yelled at me.

    "Not my cat," I replied, "He's too stupid!"

    Today all my tanks that the cats can get to unsupervised have lids.

  8. So, if anyone saw my post showing my new fighter, he is my pride and joy. Came home from school to find my new delta tail from saturday had blown a nest already! Just got back from the gym, and he is nowhere to be seen. I have searched all around the tank and cannot find the corpse. Only other thing i can think of is the CAT!

    So, now that i've lost the only delta i've ever seen in my life, I have a new found hatred for my cat. Yeah, eating a few neons, thats ok. Eating a swordtail that I raised and breed myself, that was pretty unfair. But eating my prized posession!?!!?! This means war.....

    Anybody else have this problem?

  9. Got my 4 imported boys bred, two r Coper HM ones x wit my black HM female n silver coper female , two r coper CT males, x with my F1 ct females. In da last 3 days, 4 batches hatched out of 5 spawning pairs.

    Wow =o

  10. With 100% certainty he will be a delta. When you do decide to have a go at breeding watch him well. My last 3 imported delta's have absolutely slaughtered the first couple of females they have been in with. As a result I have only had one spawn and the other two are in isolation waiting for a new girlfriend.

    That sounds a real worry. Hopefully that girl i got from you will be up for it :wink:

  11. I'd recommend buying the fish from somebody like David or Adrienne, they'll give you appropriate ones.

    Bettas aren't good breeders when they get older, from what i've read.

    I had one male kept with one female, he didn't bother her, but then got popeye and died. I think he was too sick to be aggressive.

  12. When i was ten, i watched this awesome angel get raveged 5 mins after my uncle put tiger barbs in his tank. I know tiger barbs are fin nippers =p

    He's alright :P

    No! Never think like that! Too many times lonely fighters have been put with other fish because they're lonely. They're not :lol:

    He's lonely because im not there to watch him! He looks lost as and chills out by the filter which is turned off haha

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