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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Will cost you at least one small female fighter... :wink:
    Per trip? :roll: Thats $10 a month in fighters ahahah

    Can't be any worse than my common red spot pleco. All that thing does is poop.

    I had a redspot for awhile. Holding for a friend. Long strings about 18cm long...
  2. if you were fishkeeping 20 years ago that filter would be one of your only options lol they should be pretty cheap if you can find a lfs that stocks them . they are aqir-powered so you will need an air pump

    oh and by the way nice pics illusions

    im jealous i seen some for sale at a lfs recently was so tempted

    Sweet haha. Sorry for hijacking the thread :oops:
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