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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Welcome to the forums :D

    I suggest putting your location on your profile. Go to "user control panel" on the top right corner of the screen. That way people will know if they can help you or not :D

  2. A sponge filter will be fine. You just need to remember that it won't pick up the muck off the bottom the same as other filters but thats why you clean a tank anyway. Just siphon any waste off the bottom. I tend to find that when guppys drop their young they often just hide up among floating plants at the top of the tank. You can use a breeding net if you don't want the young eaten.

    My idea of a good set up for guppys would be - plastic grass at the bottom of the tank, and floating plants at the top (plenty of plants at the top). That should provide protection for the young. And not too many other guppies in the tank to eat them. Others will laugh at this. You just wait for the comments. :lol:

    I'd agree with that set up :roll:

  3. 60-30-30 8) SamH loves em.

    Guppy seem to breed no mater what. The breeding traps are good if you can put them in there at the right time. I'd imagine those little balls would be good as big fish cant get in. Floating plants with long roots like watercress will help too

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