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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Alright. I also discovered some fry in a tank that had mum and dad in. About 5. I was staring at it, saw movement, changed my focus from the back of the tank to the front then there was a little fish staring at me ahahaha. I got this also. Its divided into 11 sections. One for the heater and 10 for 10 different fighters. It uses an UGF for water flow or something says the lady that sold me it. And this is daddy on the right, and who i hope to be a daddy on the left 8)
  2. Yeah =D Its something i want to build up too. Cant afford them right now :roll: I have a whole heap of tanks. Most are dedicated to fry. Just want some nice show fish aside from fighters =D But that is months away
  3. I'd love a tank dedicated to a pair of rams etc that looked after their own fry. Like a 60L planted on my desk =]
  4. I can have any size tank. They'd probably end up in my 4ftr.
  5. Where in auckland can i get these and how much will they set me back? Thanks =]
  6. I'd be safe and put a 250W heater or bigger in the sump =] Nice tank. I have a 1220-390-390 or something planted with DIY co2. Its a mess now haah
  7. Supply and demand ^^ Keeping them rare to give a high value
  8. To be honest, it'd be much cheaper to buy elsewhere
  9. Has anyone found that their microworms die off? I haven't. I've had them for about 6 weeks, which isn't too long. But I accidentally stumbled on a way to make them grow like crazy. Yeast. I poured a whole heap accidentally onto one of my cultures. Next day it was booming. Put maybe a teaspoon of liquid onto another empty culture, within days of over the top yeast it was booming =D
  10. Put the heater on and left for school. He seems pretty happy now
  11. My friend usually turns on my tank lights in a morning while i put my school shoes on. I woke to him having a freak out because my CT was being funny. Forgot to plug heater back in haha
  12. Do you have everything prepared for the human fry? =D Congratulations =]
  13. Aimed at somebody in specific.... :lol: :lol:
  14. P44 was telling me about how people paid way more for choc zebras then they are worth. Pretty stink.
  15. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=breedingdata Anybody notice that a breeding certificate was awarded for the zebra pleco in 1998?
  16. Welcome =D How big is this tank?
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