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Everything posted by Zeusterae

  1. Wow, really impressive fish rcon021!!! :thup: :thup:
  2. Zeusterae

    My Male Ob

    beautiful fish mate, congrats!!! that is the father of juvie that I have? Cheers
  3. LOL!!! maybe they are resistant to the bloat smidey :sml1:
  4. I know that zuri08, but is quite rare to find haps/mbuna hibrids by accident I meant :dunno: , is way more common haps/aulos, haps/haps, mbunas/mbunas hybrids.
  5. I didn't think this mix was possible to be honest.... :facepalm:
  6. Zeusterae

    Ruby Red??

    Nice fish mate!!! where did you get it him from? Cheers!!!
  7. Same question... I am not register and I am not part of any club, but I am quite curious about this event!!! if I go and turn up on the "open Sunday" what activities I would be able to attend? how much is the cost exactly? Cheers, PS: the link on the main FNZS web page is down btw
  8. Here I share some pictures of my tiny Altos calvus black, the male is around 4 cm and the female around 3cm. Hope you like them!!! :thup:
  9. hansbaenshi are stuargranti too mate... but because we don't know the exact the geographic origin is better to call them stuartgranti..... and few of them are also called "red shoulders" take a look, the hansbaenshi is not one especific variant. http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/category.php?cat=3 http://www.acuarismopro.org/t475-los-stuargranti-de-hombros-rojos-o-red-shoulder Cheers!!!
  10. I went this last Wednesday to buy a few things and I found this stunning Aulonocara stuartgranti red shoulder :nfs: .... but for some reason, they were labeled as Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi... well anyway here you have a few pics of the male and the female!!! hope you like them as much as I do. :thup: Cheers PS: sorry for the quality of the picture, but I took them with my mobile.
  11. Wow really :nfs: Zuri08 The first one looks like Aulonocara Stuargranti maleri and the second one as Aulonocara red shoulder or red flash or also known as hansbaenshi... No idea about the prices tho!!! Cheers!!!
  12. Nice fish fishy-fish, the colour is similar to the Au. hueseri... but the body shape is a bit different to this specie, the face is too acute when the hueseri is more convex, and the body is a bit slimmer than the hueseri... maybe is too young, and he still needs to grow more to define his adult shape... keep us posted about him maybe in a month o two. Cheers
  13. I kept multis back in my country and they are quite easy to breed, is the first time that I hear that they are aggressive (inter species).. I used to keep them in a fish tank with other fry and no problems at all.... it would be great if there around and I would love to get few of them. Cheers!!! PS: sexfasciatus are vicious tho, LOL!!! these were my breeders
  14. I've tried with a pot before and not lucky at all!!! They have 2 big shells now in the tanks, but she liked that one.
  15. Thanks for the info!!! yesterday I was looking the fish and I've noticed that the female was getting inside of the shell a lot and spend a lot of time next to it... I know that there is no eggs inside because other curious fish went inside of the shell and she didn't do anything about it... but when de male was closer to the area, she went to him and open all her fins to him like kick him out of the area :slfg: ... he didn't fight back, just did the same to her and finally he left..... I really hope that she decide to spawn... it would be my first experience with altos, then I am quite excited about it.... well, we will see what happens... Congratulations for you fish btw!!! they look awesome!!!
  16. and how is that going? the female is quite curious about the seashell I have seen her a few times inside of the shell but the male don't look interested at all, this is normal???? Cheers
  17. yes, because I finally found a seashell big enough for them... I bought a few before (like 6-7 months ago) but the seashells were too small.
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