the new guy
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Everything posted by the new guy
i was searching around on the internet for "the worlds largest private aqurium" and i found this. its rather AMAZING!
Ive decided after much more consideration and careful thought i am getting a bigger tank to start with. i had a 200L tank planned but the person i was going to buy it from decided against it so im thinking of having a crack at building my own. it seems i can effectively repair them so i should have a go at building one. can anyone recommend places to get glass?
RO water units - is it worth investing in one. Hi all. just wondering if it would be worth investing in a RO water purifier? I have been told to buy the "pure drew " but to fill a 200L tank it would take 20 containers of it. it would have been ok for 60L. and before you ask i am upgrading our marine tank from a 60L to a almost 200L. i am in the process of ordering it.
we normally only go to redwood aswell but sometimes we go to animates because they have a good selection of plants. i havnt had the chance to head to Organism but we plan to soon so my wee man can have a look.
woops. sorry my phone auto corrected that. any of my posts that looked like that are done on my phone
So I went and got 4 new clown poached. They did there Job for 3 days nd now there are more snails than ever in there. My partner found one clown poached dead this morning. But I never got a chance to see itbecause I was working so icouldnt investigate
id be amazed if that made any sense at all. i think i just confused myself :slfg:
that is very cool. i just downloaded it and checked it out. maybe something could be done with that. i wouldn't think that it is just about having the basic information on hand but rather also to keep more advanced records for possible marine research(for the researchers out there), For instance while i am in the process of setting up my marine tank, i can log the data that i take from the water and keep a "diary" about the tank so i can refer back to it the information in the future and even for the purpose of showing others that are new to the hobby how my tank developed in the early stages and show them ideas. I'm not just talking about the water though. im talking about water, fish, corals etc.
woops lol i read the wrong part what kinda nissan is it? and what is the engine in it?
O i see that was posted in 05 did you find out the problem?
i had the excat same problem in my 1987 nissan sentra. i changed the thermostat, the water pump, and got the radiator tested. i kept loosing sooooo much water. i was replacing about 3/4 of the water a day. the radiator guy told me i had a cracked head.(obviously the mechanic couldn't tell me that when i took it too see him) but he was right it was the cracked head. but here is the catch i either get a reconditioned head for $200 and pay about $400 to get it installed. or i could just replace the entire engine for $125 which i did. and then made money from selling my old engine for scrap and parts(about $60). If i had any sense id get rid of my car, ive had it for 3 years and i only paid $500 for it. but ive put about $900 into it lol but i am driving a more modern car at the moment and prefer my car any day because it really is fuel efficient not like these new "fuel efficient" cars.
i was going to be a sep website hosted by one of the friends ive got or a personal internet server. but i like the idea of the database being on here. since it is the central "playing field" for fish keepers thats the idea to be able to "whip it out" when needed i would like to know who you get your data from! lol The idea for certain tank schedule's would be helpful. just a reminder you maybe not get everything on the first version but could be upgraded with subsequent updates
i love all the positive attitudes about the idea. if it is sucessfully made and is effective there will be a 1 month free trial then a small charge between $1-$3 i have bought some really cool apps for that price. even if you have "a half decent phone" someplaces dont have internet/3g/wifi access so any data inputted would be sync when its available. as for some you basicly saying it wouldnt be very useful, are you speaking for yourself or for everyone else? and its not for iphone its for android. you can also 1gb of data from 2degrees for $20 and i found it cheaper that telecom and vodafone
I have been looking around for a nice little app for my phone to help store info about my tanks and fish and haven't found anything special. so i talked to a good friend of mine who makes apps and he is interested in helping. what i would like to know is what you beginner and expert fish keepers think and ANY ideas you might have for it? i was thinking some ideas like complete profiles could be made up for fish if you have some really special fish(or if you like me and have 12 neons you could make 12 profiles), water parameters could be inputted then the app could be put automatically into a pie graph or something? and information can be stored on a cloud server just in case it is lost on your phone. this includes pictures and videos of fish. it could even be used on an in expensive android powered tablet. anyway id love to hear peoples opinions.
i use an airstone to disturb the water. i had a brown alge kinda stuff but it went away after a about 2 weeks. if all else fails call BP they might be able to help L0L
and fill them with "coke" ofcourse.
after letting the light do its thing for the past week or 2 there is a massive difference within the plants. the black spots have disappeared and the plants are no longer dieing. but the plant fert is still on the shopping list :0
So i just wanted to know what you guys thought about these organisations. the most recent issue is the deep sea oil and natural gas drilling incident. here: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politic ... -Petrobras In my own personal opinion i think these are they only active non-govt, non-profit organisations in New Zealand(besides the rspca) that are out there protecting our natural heritage, and show concern for our our environment. although a few of their actions are questionable but in saying that this year sea Shepperd saved hundreds of whales in the southern ocean, and a while back green peace saved our natural environment from mining. but 1 season ago the sea shepherds new boat got run over by the Japanese whaling ships. i know that a lot of the stuff they actively protest about is legal, but also questionable. your thoughts?
please refer back to the post right before yours about the light. Here: and my question was: what are ferts? the dimensions are 60*36*30mm giving Co2 a go wouldn't do any harm to the plants thought would it? i have everything i need to make a DIY Co2 system
O and im trying to find a new, brighter light tube at the mo.
Co2 might be the problem i think. ill get a system running this week i think. i have done just done some aquascaping to take out the dead parts etc and found all the plants have heaps of new growth. infact i just cut 12 new stems and replanted(and threw some away!) and the co2 could help with the drooping plants. um what are ferts??? lol the tank is 60L with an external filter with a new, better one on the way, and a 100w heater. um i don't know the name of the plants but i will find out on Wednesday when i go back to redwood aquatics. i really would love to make this the most amazing planted tank ever!
Does anyone use Hangon filters?
so i got a new light. its a single 18watt t8 tube and i got me some new plants too add to the tank, but the same thing is happening. should i throw them all out and start again?
thats great. i wont have any money until maybe late next week but if someone else wants it in the meantime let them have it
If you could figure out how much it would cost to get it down to Amberley(just north of Christchurch) i could consider it. if you add shipping and packaging to it it might just be worth me buying a new one from the LFS. the brand is EHEIM, it looks to be about 15-20 years old possibly older. but it something that looks "real" without plastic covering all the goodies up. there is a picture of it in this forum viewtopic.php?f=5&t=51365