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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Wouldn't it have been quicker to ring Vodafone and ask? 8)
  2. Thought I had better add my bit and up the age average :lol: Name: Caryl Age: 49 and holding Colour: blue Interests: reading, jigsaws, crosswords (thanks to having to produce the Aquarium World magazine I have gone off fish ) I have been keeping fish since I was 15 and helped dad build a fish pond. Although I had over 18 tanks at one time I now have 1 4ft community tropical. Music: eclectic tastes over many genres (except opera, jazz, hip hop, country & heavy metal) Nickname: obvious I think
  3. The fish she is hand feeding is a lawnmower blennie I think. Sally will have to answer the other questions if she has time before she goes on her holiday 8)
  4. I had no idea what brand my appliances were either :-? Dishwasher and washing machine are both F&P but they were given to me, I didn't choose them. Fridge is a Simpson (how appropriate) and oven is a Westinghouse. Induction hob is Thermor. Not had trouble with any of them. The dishwasher is over 10 yrs old, the washing machine would be about 5yrs. Oven and hob were new with the kitchen - about 7 yrs I think.
  5. Unfortunately the emperor angel died last night
  6. According to a book I have here... P velifera is also known as the Yucatan sailfin molly and grows a lot bigger than the others. Seems to be a silver molly though also comes in black and gold forms. Males 10 - 15cm females 18cm P sphenops is the marbled molly with a black one being bred in the USA in the late 1920's. Males 5cm, females 7 - 11cm P latipinna is the sailfin molly. Males 10cm females 12cm Main difference between P velifera and P latipinna is size. I think the latter 2 are most found here, not P velifera but I could be mistaken (yes, it does happen sometimes :lol: )
  7. I have always just rinsed the driftwood well then added it to the tank
  8. Marlborough Aquarium Club member, Sally, has 2 marine tanks. She is a beginner and loves learning about her tanks. You can see pics of the tanks and inhabitants here
  9. OK, here's 96 pics of Sally's tanks and fish etc. I will put it in the saltwater section too. here
  10. I will upload them onto my Photobucket and post the link later today when I have time.
  11. Congratulations. Hope it all works out. A double wedding at conference would certainly be interesting :lol: Barrie you are just ahead of us. We've just had our 30th (only because I haven't killed him but it has been close a few times )
  12. Just as an aside, this year we have representatives from every club, except Dunedin. A couple only managed this as some attendees are members of more than one club and are actually attending as delegate to another club but they are still attending, therefore there will be representation. This is the first time I can remember such widespread representation for many years. WELL DONE TO YOU ALL and thanks for registering. I note 9 haven't decided on transport. This is important as Queen's Birthday is a busy weekend and if you leave it too long you may miss out!
  13. Try the lefty test http://www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk/lh_tests.html
  14. I loved Rick Wakeman's The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table! My favourites change all the time. I too loved JC Superstar (went and saw it 9 times) Also like Chicken Run and Finding Nemo 8)
  15. Cees That is the one I meant! I have been trying to find out for years what it was called. It was very clever and I loved it as a kid.
  16. They are all gorgeous but very loud and bug beaks. I will be content with Bud the Wonderbudgie 8)
  17. "I am NOT allowed to get any more tanks" Dennis said that 2 tanks ago!!! :lol: Good to see you in here Sally. I can post pics of your fish and tanks if you want as you know I took heaps
  18. Vet says; The droncit is deworming the fish so the white poo may just be secondary to dieing parasite but its hard to say?? As long as they are getting better and better and they are eating I wouldnt worry too much. It sounds like they are being good and attentive to their fish!! Some roughage might be good for the gut like some peas.
  19. Perhaps it means the prazi is working and the body is ridding itself of the parasites the only way it can? :-?
  20. Remember the guidelines state no politics.
  21. This is a high percentage of lefties considering it is only 6 - 10% of the population are supposed to be lefties
  22. Another one??? Happy Birthday Paul
  23. Have asked her. Hopefully we get a reply soon. She is in the USA so often posts afternoons our time.
  24. The vet finally got back from Mexico 8) She says; It looks like they already started treament. Basically a healthy fish should not get sores that lead to ulcers. There has to be some reason that the skin is becoming suseptable to infection like that. With the dwarf gourami we know that they have a virus that causes necrotic ulcers. One of the things that causes a disruption of the skin and leaves it open to infection are ectoparasites. Lice and anchor worms are visible with the naked eye. Flukes are a little less obvious. If you can rule out water quality, virus, and trauma I think parasites are really a possibility. Normal dewormers wont kill flukes. Praziquantal is what is reccomended. It is a relativly safe medication that is used in dogs/cats/livestock for the treatment of tape worms and people to cotrol tapeworms and schistosomas infections. There are a lot of different reccomendations for treatment. It can be harmful to some marine fish but golfish usually handle it well. You can dissolve it in water and use it like a treatment bath, or you can feed it in medicated food. Its also not a bad idea to increase the salinity of the water for a week or so. Or even treat the lesion topicly if your fish are large enough for safe handling It sounds like your forum member has done her homework already and is off to a good start. I tried to join and post some confirmatory info but I couldnt join so you can pass along what you want from this
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