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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Driftwood looks natural. Freshly cut wood will seep and possibly be toxic. Do not use treated timber. By stuff arund the house I assume you mean for tank decor? Anything non toxic. Ceramic mugs make great caves as do terracotta pots (or plastic for that matter). Watch the paint on many items as it may be toxic also.
  2. Wow, a tank with its own bathroom - fancy! :lol:
  3. If they are under cover (eg eaves, evergreen tree, cover over container etc) some may survive. I know one of our club members had them live outside over winter in Blenheim (temp down to -4C or so) but they were well sheltered under an overhang.
  4. Only an Aucklander would think that :lol: My tank (with barbs, gouramis, hoplos, bristlenoses etc) generally sits at 22C. Never had a whitespot outbreak.
  5. What size are your tanks? You have just ordered 15 guppies from a lfs haven't you? Where are you going to put them all? As you know, guppies breed faster than rabbits. You are going to be over-run and they can be hard to get rid of.
  6. The affiliation should go well. Unfortunately, it appears a bag of mail was lost between Napier and New Plymouth (Napier no longer sorts mail, it goes to NP) and the letters have only just started turning up! I received a letter today (about your affiliation) dated 21 March. It was posted on the 23rd March and the envelope was date stamped 23 April!! That won't be anything to do with your reg form though. makes you wonder if they misplaced more than 1 bag of mail in the country doesn't it? :roll: Most important - we got your money :lol:
  7. Sewing shops and places like Spotlight will have it in bulk. You have to be careful of some of the mould inhibitors and fire retardents I am told but I have never had any trouble using it.
  8. Hey mystery solved! :lol: It looks like we have the money but not the forms but I am checking that. I received a letter from the FNZAS today - it was posted Easter Sunday!! NZ Post says it seems they may have misplaced a bag :roll:
  9. A block/wood stand would be fine kd123 as long as you have enough blocks and a piece of wood the right size.
  10. Nothing wrong with water from the tap but if your water supply has chlorine in it you will need to use water ager or conditioner to neutralise it as it is bad for fish. Let us know what exactly the tests show for pH, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates if possible.
  11. If all these fish are in the same tank you won't have a problem as most of the fry will be eaten. Barbs ar egg layers and the eggs will get eaten. Guppies and swords are livebearers and the fry will be immediately eaten unless you have lots of floating plants for them to hide in, or separate them from the adults.
  12. You certainly are Alan. In fact I have just made your name tag
  13. The raising of the temperature is not a cure, it merely speeds up the whitespot cycle. Use a whitespot treatment as well. Whitespot is a sign of stress. You also need to work out what has stressed your fish so badly or they will keep getting infected. Probably too many fish in an uncycled tank. Have you done any water changes or water tests since the tnak was set up?
  14. Might not be a silly idea zev. This is the first time (I think) people have been able to send their forms in via email and direct credit the payments. Never had a name we don't recognise before though :-?
  15. Caryl

    is it true

    Did they used to be Aphyosemions or is it a different species? I bred A scheeli years ago cos they were easy, and common.
  16. Well Bryan shared all his info in the article which was published originally in the Nov 98 Aquarium World magazine. He was disappointed that nobody seemed to take up his challenge of trying to breed them.
  17. What size is the tank you have them in and what sort of filtration? Whitespot looks like the fish are sprinkled with salt. Fish can go into another dimension for short periods of time so you think they are missing
  18. One of our Auckland members has been breeding cardinals in commercial numbers for years. In fact he wrote the abovementioned article.
  19. Does anyone have this man, James, in their club? He has registered for conference but we don't know who he is or where he lives :-? It is possible he is a recent member and his club has yet to capitate him.
  20. There is an excellent step by step article on breeding cardinal tetras in the article section on the main page
  21. There are stickies under Freshwater and Technical, at least, giving step by step instructions
  22. I think they are breeding falcons here to keep the other birds away that eat the grapes. Have you tried tying a kite or adding a wind ornament or something that flaps to the top of the dove cage?
  23. Green water is good for fish, just bad for people viewing fish. Green water is an excellent food source.
  24. I own a computer company and am the credit manager. That means my husband does the work and I manage to take the credit :lol: I am also a part time medical receptionist. I edit the FNZAS Aquarium World magazine (but that is an unpaid position) I would rather be doing as little as possible - with a good book in my hand
  25. RCD - rabbit calcivirus disease Rabbit meat is very good for you. It is safe to eat rabbit infected with RCD http://www.maf.govt.nz/mafnet/publicati ... htm#E10E28
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