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Everything posted by s3xtcy

  1. s3xtcy

    sore plec :(

    Sorry everyone, got home late friday, been fishing allday today (lol) hes fine now without addidng anything, guess he just wanted dad home there is still a white mark but very very minor and i dont think it will b there in a weeks time
  2. s3xtcy

    sore plec :(

    bugger, i dont have a hospital tank, and obviousally cant use salt because of the loaches, can anyone reccommend anything else? tankwide antibiotic? Im away on a course so cant check his status, but my partner said she cant see him, which isnt uncommon, hes quite shy and only see him once or twice a week. Thanks for your help Shey
  3. s3xtcy

    sore plec :(

    How much and which type? The type without the anticaking agent i presume? Is salt ok with my BGK? It looks like theres a small gash there, and my heater has a guard but its too small, woops,
  4. s3xtcy

    sore plec :(

    Hey guys, noticed this today, hes still swimming ok and acts fine, just wondering how to help his recovery? Tank is 315 litre communal with 1x BGK 1x Angel 1x tiger barb 10x odessa barbs 1x SAE 2x geo's 2x Clown Loaches 2x Opaline Gouramis Any thoughts?
  5. make more caves and keep everyone happy my BGK is shy during the day, but a monster at night, awesome fish
  6. ive set up a few tanks, ranging from 90 litres to 305 litres, and each time ive used a product from my LFS called Startsmart. you have to use the entire bottle right away as its sealed and aparantly no good after a few days of being opened. anyway, long story short, i changed my tank from a 135 litre to my 305 litre, two or three bottles of this stuff after it was up to temp and banged in all my fish, and i mean all of them. new filter, next day, no casualties. it looks really foul, full of bacteria looking crud that went to the bottom, but obviousally did the trick! i will use this every time from now on, not worth the risk if doing a full change or just impatient, and im normally both! HtH
  7. hey Waterlogged, how big is your tank? might have to empty some water out and put them in a isolation net (they have to be catchable somehow! less water helps!) then you can hopefully get some shots and someone on here might be able to identify what could be going on
  8. heard of one do it twice... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6468144.ece
  9. Yeah, thats the one, bugger! Guess ill just post my list on here then and watch it get nailed. Lol Anyway, back to the subject at hand, anything ive missed or things others would change?
  10. Ahhh, is there a website that can tell you if certain fish will clash? I remember seeing a site a while ago that did that? Might have only been freshwater, ive got a big list of fish but im a bit scared that its going to get halved.
  11. just get a container lid as such, and evenly drill a whole lot of holes in it, this should distribute the water more evenly over the bioballs, and your wool, if you find that the drainage isnt enough, make the holes bigger maybe have it smaller than the overall intake of the sump so if it did clog/overflow with too much water etc then it would drain into the sump normally, but that should increase the flow over the entire media? Obviousally if you havnt had any problems then its working in my experience.. if it isnt broken, dont fix it hope that helps
  12. Hmmm dont know what size rock! Is there any biological difference betweenbig rock and smaller pieces? On a side note, how much live rock do you have in your sump? I love your tank, but want a bit more rock in there. As for naughty fish.. hmmm... could they not go in the return area? Is it only normally a temporary thing or permanant? Thanks
  13. 1 - there will be wavemakers etc in the tank too 2 - i plan on having the spraybar slightly under the water level so that there is no splashing or noise 3 - not sure on rockwork yet, i want a low reef, more live rock in the sump than in the tank probably, thats why the fuge is pretty big , i never thought about having the rock raised, so that water can flow under it.. 4 - its quite small - only 125mm! didnt realise that at the time, just thought it would be handy or the lights and a place to keep food and bits and pieces - do you need to move much around in the fuge? 1 - Yeah i thought about drilling in the back, but i wanted to be able to keep it very close to the wall, and also this way i can muffle the noise with things above / around the pipes, if its just a pipe down the back of the tank it might be noisy? 2 - yeah thats the plan, just got grumpy with rendering and thought meh this will give a good idea and im no expert either, hence all the (probably silly) questions, so thanks for your input!! yeah the middle one is the return, the reason the right hand pipe is higher is so that if the main pipe blocks for any reason then the water level will rise, and then flow down the second pipe, making it a good backup thanks heaps guys, keep it coming!
  14. How would you suggest to do the return? Thanks! Overflow too small or big? Reason for the pipes up high is to try and keep capacity up.. whats the benefit of having them lower? I also thought that if the waters higher, less falling of the water over the overflow, so it should be quieter? The overflow is going to be tinted so no light should get through which means no shadows if i ha just plumbed into the back would it not make the gurgling noise? Thanks heaps!
  15. Yep thats the plan, custom cabinets easy - uncles a cabinet maker lol design looks ok though?
  16. yeah, i tend to agree, but the main place where the water would be overflowing would be over the top. the holes should have little, if any movement through them, unless the top blocks, no water flow should mean no blockage, right? especially if i give them a clean up everytime i do my maintenance
  17. in the absoulte defense of "Man Flu" - has anyone ever seen or heard of a woman whos survived it ? I THINK NOT!! muawahahahaha
  18. Hey everyone, Ive designed this in sketchup (free for download from google), and I will email the file to anyone who wants a more complex view (its much easier!) Anyway im after some constructive criticism for the sump and overflow ideas. Ill explain some parts first. The reason ive gone for the overflow in the middle of the tank is because of simplicity, and functionality, i looked at a overflow like this which had a material in there (around and above the pipes) and it was basically silent, (very, very quiet, but not dead silent) - a volume im comfortable with anyway. Are there any major flaws ive completely overlooked? The water height will be sorted as the spray bar will be raised into the light hood, and the teeth in the top of the overflow will be raised so the water level is still above the highest point of viewable glass. Also there will be a mesh over top of the top of the overflow to stop fish etc from jumping in there.. Just had a thought, a series of 3mm holes, drilled quite low down (2/3?) into the overflow box, would act as another backup incase the mesh at the top got blocked for some reason? Anyway, less words, more pictures Enjoy!!
  19. All fair points, it says that i qualify for free shipping because of the value of the order, but it doesnt say worldwide. But the warranty has me a bit worried, however 7 eheim pumps would have to die before i met the cost of my lfs for the same pump!
  20. Thanks guys, I have found a Eheim pump from this website, is this about what sounds right? it works out to be 40 litres per minute at a 12ft head height! http://www.aquacave.com/eheim-1260-universal-br-water-pump-1611.html or for a extra $20 US http://www.aquacave.com/eheim-1262-universal-br-water-pump-1612.html Im thinking im going to go for a overflow setup so flow out of the pump is a good thing and dont have to worry about they syphon not keeping up. Ive done some reading and people have got silent overflows! Some form of grass that goes in the overflow chamber to silence the fall of the water. sounds good to me! Also can you over do the skimmer? I was reccommended a Reef Octopus NW 150 Protein Skimmer, at about $500 from my LFS, but... http://www.aquacave.com/reef-octopus-dnw-200-br-recirculatingbr-protein-skimmer-985.html This is rated for up to 400gal, which is much bigger than what I plan on running. (550 - 600 litres) including tank and sump or should I go for something that matches closer to my tank? http://www.aquacave.com/reef-octopus-nwb-200-br-needle-wheel-protein--br-skimmer-496.html Last question for this post.. what size UV filter should I be using? Cheers!
  21. Hello again, im wanting to find out what hardware people use in their sumps, eg protein skimmer, return pump, calcium reactor uv filter, etc and also what sort of other things they have on there, dsb's, etc. My Lfs has told me to get rhe biggest eheim pump i can get which is about 38 litres per min, but its also super silent. And the skimmer they reccommended was a Octopus NW150. The tank is a 450 litre marine with a 100-150 litre sump. After peoples reccommendations please! Thanks!!
  22. Will do ill post some pics tomorow hopefully
  23. Hmmm. I think i need to see some in person, at the moment i still like the bottom rendered.image, im planning on having a big enough pump to not have to worry about 20% loss to the refuge, but ive taken your advice onboard, im trying to design something that can be kept in the sump area that will restart the syphon after it loses its syphon after a power outage. Ive got the theory down, just have to put it on paper. Ive got a few ideas that ill draw out, scan, then post Cheers
  24. Or... Is this the better option, the pipe on the left as my full syphon (90 degree bend facing down in the tank), and with a second pipe added on the left hand side, that is my "emergency siphon"? - The 90 degree bend turned upwards inside the tank? Also in your tank Silentone, they appear to be in a perspex box? is this absolutely necessary? Cheers
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