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Everything posted by s3xtcy

  1. hahaha thanks, was going to abuse the pet store any ideas on the rest of them ? particularly the plec? - im trying to make a list so i know what they are and so i can use the online calculator thing, i know my tanks massively overstocked, but i have two, so it should balance out when i get it all sorted out, also gotta work out what "filter system" a AR620T has, as i cant just select that from the drop down box soooooo.... If anyone can give me the full correct names for each type that would be AWESOME!
  2. 9/11/12 are Platy? - i was told they were female swordtails by the bloomin pet store!! - or is a platy just that?
  3. omg, that is awesome!! **now feverishly searching for a smaller pair of antlers** hahahaha :bounce:
  4. Thanks, any idea what the technical names are for these guys too? Cheers!
  5. ELEVEN TWELVE Black Female Swordtail Thanks for all your help!!
  6. NINE Female Swordtail with black tail? TEN Unknown Pleco?
  7. SEVEN Normal Swordtail? (mid) Tigerbarb (Right) Odessa Barb (Left) EIGHT Black Swordtail? / Female normal Swordtail
  8. FOUR FIVE Black angel - any other names? SIX Marble Angel?
  9. Hey all, just wondering if some people can help ID what fish i have, i know some of the common names, the two sharks im not sure, the pleco im not sure of, etc, if someone can help out that would be great!! thanks!! ONE Melon Barbs? TWO Albino Shark? THREE Black Shark with Orange fins? More Pics in next post :
  10. So did these ever get put in? Any pics?? Would be interested to see them - Pics??
  11. Uuuhhhmmm.......................... Im really not sure how to describe it, it does smell similar to Algae i guess, but extremely strong, it seems to be slightly contained now that i put the lid back on the tank but am curious as to what it is? Cheers
  12. Hello everyone, ive set up a second tank in the spare room and filled it with water a few weeks ago, theres been a pump running since i filled it up. Now ive gone to introduce fish into it, did a 30-40% waterchange, and the water STINKS , there is some brown mould, but its under water and i thought the water would be ok, will this smell go away with water changes now that there are fish in it? Or is there something i should do? Kind of embarrasing lol, any info would be great, thanks!! :bounce:
  13. Just thought id throw in an update here, I saw some Seahorses in Wonderworld Rotorua recently, within the last month, if your still after some :bounce:
  14. hehe thanks! Ill get rid of them when i get home from work. cheers for your help everyone!!
  15. Does everyone agree that its beyond repair? Should be turfed? Im not exactly keen on having another battle with Algal Bloom...
  16. oh great, $12 down the tube, lol at least they were cheap, cheers!
  17. Are these avail from your average pet store? Lol, waiting for payday so i can get some lights for the second tank, its sitting in alot of sunlight though so i would have thought it would be getting enough UV, as for the communal tank with the fish in the photos, its got the stock lights off a AR620T light, i think theres 4 bulbs, 2 UV and 2 normal.
  18. cool, what are they? lol im new to this too glad that im not the only one..
  19. Hmmm, they all came from the petstore, they all came outta their tanks. So dunno... anyone know what kinda ferts i should try? As for the white bits, i dont think they were there when i got them, just seem to be dying over the last few days..
  20. newish, the second lot in the breeding tank are new, about a week old, the others are coming up a month or two old.
  21. Firstly in my main tank, this is my communal tank, hence the fishies getting in the way of the photos , anyway when i got the plants i cant recall having the tops of them going brown? They certainly are now.... any ideas? is there something i should be adding to the water? Ferts? I used to use LeafZone but I ran out over the weekend... any ideas? And now, thats right it doesnt get better, though hopefully after some feedback it just might This is my second tank, soon to be set up for breeding, at the moment its just growing, or killing, my plants. Anything simple that im doing wrong? Just had a thought, how do i do a hardness test? The pH is perfect in both tanks, about as 7.0 as possible... thanks! :bounce: :bounce:
  22. At this stage just Odessas, and maybe SwordTails, then maybe some pleco's, etc, just trying to establish something that will work for a variety of different fish cheers! whats the xmas moss worth? Thanks for all the info and help everyone, its muchly appreciated
  23. would you be able to do this with the java moss? how do you attatch it to the rocks? cheers as you all can tell im kinda new to this... :-?
  24. was told to put cotton wool down to cushion them... but i figured that looks a bit hory so i thought a plant would be a bit better suited, is this not reccommended?
  25. Hey everyone, after some kind of moss that will sit nicely on the bottom of the tank - something that will cushion eggs nicely in my breeding tank, i was told Java Moss, but i want something that looks nice too.... something that looks more like a ...carpet moss?... if there is so such thing? Any ideas are muchly appreciated, or even pics of others planted breeding tanks? what do others use? cheers :bounce:
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