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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. it was going to be 1680l but i reduced the depth, as its just to deep to mantain im nearly 17 and i have 1 year left after this one, so yeah, and i am planning on doing a marine bio degree after i leave school. so i have a couple of years left , and besides when i do leave home i will be leaving the tank in the shed at home until i get my own place, as my mum and grandad are into fish aswell, ( grandad has 30 tanks) and mum just like to watch mine, but i will have a look at your mosterfish build thread
  2. ok well ive been think (dreaming :lol: ) for a while about doing a 2.4x 1 x .6m tank, i like my breeding but as im in my last years of school im getting quite busy with school and haveing trouble managing my 17 tanks , so i was thinking of cutting back to just 3, my two in my room, and a 1400L in my fish shed, of course i would need to sell all the tanks ,stands ,fish, equitment before i started but, i have a few questions about this new tank setup as im a complete noob with sumps and tanks large than 400L , so heres a few questions 1. anyone got a design of a sump i can see, and explain it? 2.my fish will be oscars, serverums, and a aro, what else could i have?
  3. they look good together, but the rtg is massive so until the black gets big enough to challenge the rtg, they should be fine together, also your a day early :sage:
  4. yeah thats what i said, but dont worry i might have a 1680L tank soon if anything was to happen :lol: :slfg:
  5. welcome to the forum :thup:
  6. :digH: andd tanks a bit clouded as i cleaned the filter so will wait till tomoro night for better pics :cofn:
  7. ok, so i still havent got new tubes yet but, i did do a big clean today, a removed a large bunch of stargrass,red rotal,ambulia,hygro and i added some sunset hygro thanks to dben
  8. im going in, anyone keen to come chat bout fishy things :cofn:
  9. im no expert with sumps, but 3mm holes would be able to get blocked quite easy, but if im wrong then someone please speak up, as i said im no expert
  10. !drool: :thup: .so what else you going to add to it, i love the look of those black clowns :lol:
  11. or just build a fish shed like i did :slfg: :thup:
  12. try feeding cooked peas, without the skin, should help clear him out, if you no what i mean :-?
  13. ouchhhhhhhhhh , so how do we remove bear traps :slfg: :digH:
  14. anyone keen for a chat im bored :dunno:
  15. yeah i saw a huge ply tank done with that on youtube ,it lookd awsome :thup: !drool:
  16. updata time, my pair of kribs have managed to raise the babies in the tank up till today when i stole them :lol: :roll: , and the long finned bristlenose have been growing well, i will be cleaning the tank tomoro, as its abit over grown for pics :slfg: , and on negative note both my T5HO 54W tubes are stuffed, and the price for good ones at hwff is $96ea, which is ok if you have a deep tank and need the extra punch but mines only 45cm deep, so do i really need the expensive ones or can i get away with cheaper ones ? oppions , experience?
  17. probaly a good idea to , also load it with plants at the start and add co2 this will stop the algae from getting any nutrients, then just thin out the plants as the tank matures
  18. hahahha ok, wait i think i have a pic of the tank with it , hang on
  19. no i peresonaly havent but have seen tanks with it and they are amazing !drool:
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