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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. Jansens actually has three instock and they are all at least two inches.
  2. dogmatix


    Ira, at home nad at work im using red sea Calk, and it is working very well, Mt edens reef tank is sucking out the tho at about 0.4 Meq/day do as an additional booster im using Seachem Alkilinty raiser ( powder in a pink tub) daily pre mixed in fresh water, and its working very very well. HTH Ben
  3. Humming bird can you PM me about what happend to you at jansens as i will need to talk to the staff about it if it needs discusion Thx
  4. Lol, our prices are realistic, they have come down hugely over the past 15 months ? maybe G Pagoda's prices are un realistic. Don't get me wrong if i can get something cheaper i will, but i will allways buy from jansens or hollywoods first and i will never support G.Pagoda, Yes i still buy items from hwoods. Some of there stuff if cheaper and other stock of ours is cheaper. But if Jansens and hollywoods stopped selling marines tomorrow and said yeah we can sell you everything you need and order fish in for you, this will not be a good thing for the the hobby. Have you been watching prices for the past 3 years ? do you know what is realistic ? Maybe people are use to the cheaper prices that stock no longer seems cheap and it's easy to be gready and take cheap digs at suppliers and retailers. I use to be able to refer customers to this site but now we are unable to do it. Ben
  5. EON wrote: He has no overheads when it come to marines, he has no tanks, sumps skimmers hallide lighting etc. The fish are left in a bag for the day untill the purchaser come in. From what i heard last time he tried to sell marines from the tank they kept on dying on him, i am sure he give sound advice on fresh water fish keeping but marines ? ie compatability of fish different requiremnts of corals etc.
  6. Also with buying fish like that, you don't get to take your pic of which fish as he will only get fish in that are basicallly pre paid. personally i think no favours are being done here except for undercutiing other shops as he has no overheads, do the fish come with a 24-48 hour health gurantee ? What customer service does he offer except for under cutting ? Can he advise you on problems with your tank and is it fair to use your local LFS for help and advice but not support them ? Of course i would have these views due to my place of employment but i am sure i speak for Dave and the crew at hollywoods? If there is a lack of support to our shop you can expect to see marines taken out of Mt Eden.
  7. Calvin wrote: Ask ben19185074 about his incident with a lemonpeel bought from, us and the service he recieved ? I bet that the white spot was bought on by stress from the move and or new tank mates or poor water quality. Many marines carry white spot it just depends on conditions whether or not it comes out, many sp are immune to WS or have high resistance others low. I have no concerns turning down a sale if i feel a fish is not fit. Ben
  8. Oh and if anyone needs custom wood go to Timpan City in penrose, they are importers manufacturers of all sorts of ply and the cheapest you'll find around
  9. Have a look here just enter the dimensions http://www.garf.org/tank/BuildStand.asp Ben
  10. I just think these pumps are great for around about $90 NZ I have two 12000 Lph streams and a 7094 controller on order as the wave function cant be beat and look foward to them ariving but im still gonna add more M820 Seios. Ben
  11. I think they are no more ugly than a massive stream, infact easier to hide if anything as they are smaller than the streams. They work the same as the Tunze Steams 6060 and 6080, ie they do not pulse on and off but they make a huge amount of gentle current at a fraction of the price.
  12. Jansens doesnt charge for poly's.... We also try to recycle them back to our suppliers as much as posible. Ben
  13. The link that i supplied in my starting post goes to private T & E I have spoken to warren about this and cees seems ok with it as he moved it to commercial and then back to private. I did not put any prices down on this post as i completely understand the private, commercial guidelines, i was simply bringing attention to my T & E post Ben
  14. Also we havnt had a panther grouper instock for over 12 MONTHS. So again dont know what you are talking about Come in and have a yarn. Ben
  15. We have centropyges, clowns, blenys all suitable depending on what fish you have starting from $39 the best thing is to come in and talk to us. Ben
  16. Perky sorry to correct you but the sailfin tang is $69 down from $99 And the dog face puffer is sold But most of the pricing we have is really really good at the moment. Ben
  17. Have a look and tell me if you are keen. Not sure why it got moved to commercial, as this is a private sale and i will only be covering my frieght cost if that. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?t=5743 Ben
  18. Iand many of my customers use the Sea-Chem PO4 remover, works very well for all of us. I would recomend trying the cheapest ones first, if one doesnt work great try another. I would recomend the sea-chem or rowaphos Ben
  19. that book is probably the best available on C Fish IMO Some of the ideas are a little old school, but they are just filtaration etc At $21 us you cant go wrong
  20. The best success i have had at discus is with straight tap water, mine breed like rabbits, Ph 7.3, temp 28 Never 30-32 unluss you have a case of white spot or need to medicate, Kh 3, NH4 0, NO2 0, NO3 0 Soon i will be using DI tap water with a secret recipe of additives, please note you cannot use Just DI water it is too pure and will dissrupt osmo regulation http://photobucket.com/albums/v305/dogmatixnz/Discus/
  21. They are alot tougher than we are led to belive, one of my tanks lost its heater for 24 hrs middle of winter in my garage and this fish has lived a long and healthy life. Discus and Danios ? i doubt the danios will appreciate 28-30 degrees JMO, why dont you run them out for black neons, cardinals, rummies etc Ben
  22. The pumps arrived, bro bought them over just in time for my wedding. But really i just wanted him to bring me stuff over here . The pumps are kick arse, everything i could have imagined and then some. Now just have to see how they last but for $55 bucks cant complain. Got some cyclopeeze too, man it stinks Keep you posted Ben
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