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  1. Cees, I have replied to you. and from tim tells me he has replied to you too.
  2. perky

    Goldfish Pagoda

    could you PM me what is on his list so I can order from him tomorrow.
  3. perky

    Goldfish Pagoda

    can you PM me what is in his latest shipment. please!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. perky

    Goldfish Pagoda

    I have just phoned him. If he gets a mandarin (Synchiropus Splendidus) he will give to me for $25-$30. He is also giving me any hitch hikers he finds. perky
  5. http://www.cowfishes.com/ich.html
  6. perky

    Nuking aiptasia

    how much is joe's juice usually?
  7. try another hagen IMO
  8. for the legalities. you will need to check with your local council and find out what their bi-laws are. you can only collect certain species of fish and a certain number shell fish (mussels and oyters etc). It is also illegal to take a certain type of seaweed from the sea as it is a pest. hope this helps perky
  9. perky

    fish has itch

    will do when i get the chance. really is dying down though. when he got it he went straight to the cleaner shrimp for help cheers
  10. perky

    fish has itch

    phew, woke up just now and his white spot has really died down cheers guys
  11. perky

    fish has itch

    i don't think so. as i said, i came back from shopping etc and he had it. all there is in the tank with him is corals, cleaner shrimp and a emerald mythrax crab.
  12. perky

    fish has itch

    hi guys another one of my fish has gotten itch. I went out today and the fish was fine, came back 2 hours later and he had itch. he got some picked off by the cleaner but i was wondering what else i could do. I have tried garlic but he takes one bite and then decides that enough is enough and that is it. At the moment he is zooming around the tank grazing off the rocks etc like nothing has ever happened. Will it just go away over night, or should I catch him and treat him with white spot cure. Cheers perky
  13. it should be fine. any new corals that i get do that for an hour then they are fine.
  14. i use to have kribs ............... UNTIL THEY KILLED ALL OF MY FISH!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: It was breeding season though. I think I did go a bit over the top with dealing with the situation. Got so pi**ed off that I fed one to my rather large oscars. perky
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