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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. dogmatix


    glad to see im not hte only one with a ghetto light fitting :lol: , Mean set ups what wattage is the iwaki
  2. very handy site, add this to your favs Ben
  3. Price is $63.20, there are three in stock have had for at least 3 weeks guranteed to be eating dried food.
  4. my moneys on kims combo 100% for sure
  5. update on this matter plz
  6. I have 2 or 3 at work for sale they are ver very healthy had them for 4 weeks now pm me for details
  7. dogmatix

    Photos Please!

    Cool pics Steeve Im re aqua scaping/ nitrifying rocks / getting as many frags as i can lay my hands on Hope to have some cool pics soon, some of my acro monti frags are doing incrediblky weel for a single 150 hope to have growth sequence soon. And pics of my work tank too.
  8. Iknow of a $15000 K set up for sale
  9. Tank looks awesome as do all the pics BIG UPS TO THE PIE MAN Still have to catch up next time your in Auckwacka Ben
  10. dogmatix

    fish has itch

    Perky, as i said last week when you got white spot, there must be a reason theyh are getting it you should bring a water sample (good half cup full) for us to test. Ben
  11. You think youve got alot af rock i nuked Jansens entire reef using this method :roll:
  12. Keep re-boiling the water, it must allways be super hot just the apties love it . Pull the rock out of water so that the aptie is exposed stick the needle into its mouth and slowly 15-20 sec fill it with its fav drink, the anenome should start to swell and go white. After practice if you rotate the needle all around the base of aptie you may be able to gently flick the anem off the rock as to not pollute the tank HTH ben
  13. Sat and Mon only this wekend
  14. Mean deals on corals, but this is not the correct thread to go into detail.
  15. golden pearls replicate live food the are encapsulted and this process allows them to constantly drift.
  16. Six line wrasses have been known to eat these, but its pot luck for you if they do or not. I just remove them with tweezers and through them out. Ben
  17. I'm guessing you have no powerheads or electrical filters in the tank, if you do you will have to move the eggs to an air driven system. Otherwise you will have mushed clownsfish during there planktonic larvae stage. You could try importing some golden pearls both sizes from overseas, many ppl have had success at rearing marines with this product. HTH Ben
  18. Got the price wrong, one coral costs $59 buy three or more and pay $49 each
  19. The Tonga yellow set me back $59 normal reatil to give you an idea of the current pricing situation. Ben
  20. whyd it get itch in the first place thats the thing to think about and correct
  21. as long as uve had seeded rock for one year aprox, and currently have lots of copeys etc no probs
  22. Umm what about the concerns of cruelty to animals, this thread is nothing to joke about we have a moral obligation to the animals we keep, the SPCA now has guidelines concerning the well being of fish.
  23. He was hiding and not written up :oops:
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