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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. Not yet camera got pinched a few months back. Hope to have pictures up in a week or two. Ben
  2. its a powerjet 5000 at 1.2m it will return aprox 4500 litres/hour, so i plan to seperate return into 3 1* squid with 2 returns 1* rotating spray bar i do plan to change the reurn system later but im intrigued to see how my plan works out i hope to have a post up soon.
  3. dogmatix

    soo clooose

    got the tank filled today and my DIY rebracing job seems to have held. TOUCH WOOD (to the fish god) Hope to have my sump pump plumbed in a day or to but shes a beast so hooking up excess pipes to ensure not to a high flow rate through the system will be a mission Then i can finally claim my midas blenny from work hes only been there 4 months :lol: Plus new shipment out 20/12 must resist, all ready got a drilling today for not putting enough money aside for the honeymoon. aah finally my own reefy instead of all thoose tanks at work, get ya clippers out folks gonna need some cuttings
  4. Keep a close eye on your alk this has alot to do with the condition of xenia IMO, try to keep it stable and above 8.5dkh Ben
  5. dogmatix

    black coral

    not fake, dead. Species found in the S.I among a few other places, sorry kim i would have to say its worthless, i have heard tales that some ppl make jewelery out of it ?
  6. From memory G.I was the first marine reserve in nz
  7. Marine sci papper at auckland uni says other wise, please note that i am only talking about certain species of fish that have responded in a positive manner to catch size/limit not all. Ben
  8. Hey bro, hope the fish are well. I have lots of custs that by it to remove black beard algae, but a d/dose would certainly be at the users risk. Like i said tho i know heaps of ppl that do it. Good luck Ben
  9. New Zealand has been the world leader in sustainable management of fisheries and its quotas, some species of fish infact have shown overall increase in numbers. it will not be long untill the aquatics industry embraces similar techniques. If the company in Q doesnt start to support thelocals and the sustainable management of catches they will only be shooting themselves and the trade in tghe foot. All i can say is i wish the locals all the best.
  10. The big scorpion brittle stars at work i just get to come out with a stinky mussel, keep on pulling the food furthe awayeach time he nearly gets it. good luck
  11. i can see if it can be held at reef bar or zoo bar ?
  12. Have added some more photos if any one is interrested Cheers Ben
  13. Hey yall The plnats are fake so i guess they are attached to epoxy of some sort There are photos of the blue turq/silver basically any with mum and dad are that pair, i will try and change names when i get a chance. The other fry with only dad are 7 week old red spot teffe greens (dad) * royal reds
  14. Have uploaded new photos to my web hoster You can see the original brood at there current size my new pair with eggs and my newest brood
  15. Got my second pair rearing there fry now, man its a big brood possibly more than 100 . Dad is a huge very round silver dreamer( a variant of ghost with more blue in it) mum is a beautiful hi fin blue turq with an ok body. Ill keep u posted
  16. yeah once i get the model # etc off mine im gonna look into that
  17. ive bred these in one of my tanks with neons discus cats etc just feed insuforia and bbs
  18. Bro ill make it if i can , maybe i can use it as an excuse to get off work
  19. i have recently purchased one of these i hope to have it in two weeks, when i can next bring it over, so ill let u know or post a pic when i get it. Im gonna use it to light the sump of my reef
  20. babies are $25.00 each, i hope to have ready for sale in 2-3 weeks, Was planning to only sell them through my work but have decided to do a once off sale to fnzas members only. All the rest will go to my work
  21. thanks that was dad, he is far better than the pics in real life http://community.webshots.com/user/dogmatixnz
  22. the photo was a lemon goby. clown or citron goby has two thin blue lines on the operculum and are reef safe normally retail @ about $60
  23. Here we go They are twice as big now that pic was from a week and a half ago
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