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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. dogmatix

    japanese tank

    wicked growth and colour
  2. Ok so, for example, M.danae
  3. http://www.frags.org/memberfragdetails.php?fid=1670
  4. We could use http://www.nzreefs.com for such a thing, aswell as or instead of here
  5. what happens if it goes sexual, this is a small simple system im guessing he doesnt plan to put a U.V on it. Also most true algae scrubbers are very large and cumbersome. Using something like zeo will immediately absorb all NH4, so you wont need a denitrator, plus in a tank that size it ill be cheap as to run. Also to be a true algae scubber the surface area should be nearly as large as the tanks
  6. All we need is to be willing to buy the stock retail and sell frags at a half dent price. If i buy an Acro for say $100 frag it 3x and sell each frag for $20-30 those frags have almost paid for the coral. Not to mention we are increasing the stock lvls all around, like i said ill pay $25 for a frag will you ?
  7. This is the kind of system we should be starting to rely on, we need a database of what we have fragged and how long till its ready for sale/trade, now i think given the retail prices of corals as i said $50-100 is not right but i will easily pay $25-40 for a nice small frag. Just MHO. Ben
  8. http://www.frags.org/memberfragdetails.php?fid=1659
  9. dogmatix

    Frag prices

    Found a semi good site to id corals, http://www.frags.org But damn there prices are expensive, for a 1/2 - 2 inch frag. Makes me think the price of recent cultured (imported) or wild sps's is reasonably cheap. Speaking of frags does any one have any A.millepora, red and or cream/blue tip A. tortuosa, green/blue A.nobilis, turqouise A.abrolhosensis, Blue/green polyps or sim nice A.loripes, anything in a nice green etc etc etc Ben
  10. It's another name for a fugee, full of algae, i would go zeo-vit and rowa for sure
  11. The new coral sphere sand thats availible is very nice IMO
  12. Mike P is a huge fan of the mud
  13. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pets-animals/Fish/Fishbowls-tanks/auction-27989186.htm
  14. Soz, b4 was arcadia 14k (so they reckon) After aquaconnect14k
  15. Bellus Angel. G. bellus, the smallest and pretiest of the genicanthus, IMHO ben
  16. you be the judge And i had to add this one
  17. Thx guys, the middle left pic is starting to colour up, and the acro at the back was a rescue job from work, its starting to green as well not bad considering two weeks ago when i put it in it was a white/sand colour. The only thing is I’ve gone through one container of success calk in two weeks I am going to have to start using K/kwasser or invest in a Ca reactor, guess ill have put my Aqua C skimmer off a little longer
  18. Here's my only respectable LPS's Ben
  19. Hmm might use it on my Monti. Oh crap where'd me arm go
  20. dogmatix

    Italian TOTM

    Wow water that clean with a happy cataphyllia, i want to read a translation
  21. dogmatix

    Italian TOTM

    And thats with 10k bulbs (400'z tho)
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