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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Not too sure about steers but cows tend to use their horns on their herd mates when they have them. Quite typical to see some big old bulshy trout with one shiny horn pushing her weight around.
  2. Get yourself some Hornex, makes it a quick easy job.
  3. I got told at the supermarket yesterday that Marmite should be back on shelves around November. Now though I am having to stockpile Vegemite as Carlos is worried that its going to run out.
  4. Calving has hit with a vengeance and Carlos and his boss have got them coming out their ears just about. Also, our fish are disappearing and not too sure why. Water is fine etc etc and one of our bristlenose is getting fatter and fatter, I guess cleaning up the bodies.
  5. You Can't Always Get What You Want - Rolling Stones
  6. How Ira decides whether to mock a post. Step 1: Read post. Step 2: Is it a stupid question? If yes go to step 3 Step 3:is it an obvious question? If yes go to step 4 step 4:Is it a stupid obvious question? If yes go to step 5 Step 5:If I mock this post will it give maximum laugh value? If yes go to step 6 Step 6:Give em hell!!!! :digH: hehe, don't ever change Ira, you're alright.
  7. Our 6 year old started school today. He was officially diagnosed with a communication disorder a few years ago but a new child psychologist has put the cat among the pigeons and diagnosed him with Aspergers. A lot of the other people working with him have gotten all snotty about it as he just doesn't fit neatly into the Aspergers mould, he was never diagnosed with Autisum first, and he has a sense of humour and a few other things, but he shows many of the other signs. We just hope the new psychologist doesn't get herself into trouble.
  8. An amazing fresh water ocean. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
  9. Hi, yes it is, all we have is the ferts we put in, the fish and plants, plus the bubbler. Haven't got the $$ to set up CO2 yet. One day.
  10. Thanks. Mr Wiggles died, just don't understand why, everything in the tank was fine and dandy. Makes you question your skills when a cool fish like that just up and dies for no apparent reason.
  11. A nasty little beetle that eats wood, in this case house's.
  12. It just seems to me the police have decided that Ewen is the murderer and are trying to make the evidence fit around him. Most of the witnesses say they heard the gun shots (some say 1, some 2 and some say 3 shots) at about 5am, in which case Ewen has an alibi as he was at the shed with a temp worker at that time. But the police have maintained the shots were closer to 4.45am A smoked cigarette was found at the site but no DNA testing was carried out. An unsavoury man had been seen and spoken to on a nearby property who was asking for Scott a few days before his murder. One suspect was ruled out by the alibi of a woman who smoked up to $3000 of methamphetamine a week and admitted threatening to kill a police officer and their family. Detective Sergeant David Thompson agreed police used her statement as the sole alibi for a man linked to an aggravated robbery and firearms crimes ahead of Mr Guy's death. Ewen wears a size 9 shoe and it has been proven the dive booty foot marks were more likely a size 12 (extra wavy lines)...... There's no doubt Ewen is a bit of a Dork, burning down and vandalising the buildings and especially shooting some neighbours deer was not cool but it's a big step from there to murder. Of course as someone mentioned that doesn't mean he didn't arrange to have Scott murdered by someone else.
  13. well that works in the defences favour as the seized (alleged) murder weapon is a double barrel shotty incapable of firing 3 shots in succession. But the weird thing is the prosecution (police) have ignored the lady's statement on the time and amount of shots fired that morning.
  14. It seems to me the only stumbling block for the defence is the dive boots......
  15. sometimes it's just got to be done, same as culling sick or injured calves. But if anyone enjoyed doing it you'd have some serious questions.
  16. Are we allowed to discuss the trial and evidence of the case on this site or will it be a breach of the law? If so, Mods please remove. If not... I decided to read up on all the evidence this morning over a cup of tea and it seems to me the prosecution have a very weak case and I'd be surprised if Ewen Macdonald is found guilty, does anyone else have an opinion?
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