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Everything posted by SamH

  1. If GBA's are anything like regular BN's then they will love cucumber, although it tends to go bad after about a day. Mine don't like JBL novoplec sinking tablets but the adults do. Good luck.
  2. I read that in the wild, Kribs come from neutral or slightly acidic rivers and streams although many people will recommend keeping them above 7.5. You shouldn't use beach sand because it could contain chemicals that are toxic to the fish. Using a sand like river sand or silica sand is just as good and is definatly safe. I saw a 25kg bag of sand at Mitre10 for around $7. Good luck
  3. 20 isn't that bad and temperatures do fluctuate in the "wild". They should be fine.
  4. Well theres two minutes of my life I shall never get back. -Thanx
  5. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    Sounds good. I was planning on putting a male in my 54 Litre anyways.
  6. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    30 Litre? 50 Litre? 80 Litre? What size was you're one David?
  7. Heard only good stuff about them. Would be keen to get some.
  8. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    What would be the minimum tank size to keep the father and all his fry in until they're able to be sexed? And would they have to spawn in that tank or could they be moved later on?
  9. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    Sounds good silverfoxx. If only I had room for more tanks lol.
  10. Good luck! Im going to try once my tank settles down and I move the BBN out of my other one.
  11. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    Not too keen on heating the whole room, I heard it costs alot, as do 50+ aquarium heaters! It wouldn't be for their whole lives but just when the start fighting to when they are sold.
  12. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    Thanks Alan, Did you have to clean them and how did you heat them? Do you think regular aquarium heaters would work?
  13. Siamese (Chinese) Algae eaters are known for getting quite aggressive when older and if there is not enough food or alage for them to eat then they may attack and eat other fish in the aquarium.
  14. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    Has anyone ever used a bath tub for keeping fish in? Just in the short term? I'd imagine you could put in a couple of heaters and it would be all good. Where can you buy jars in bulk? Are the quite cheap? Also, I am looking at getting a (breeding) pair. If anyone in Auckland has a pair, doesn't matter if they've bred before or not, that they'd be willing to sell, please post or PM me. I don't really mind what fin type but I do like Half Moons and Plakats. I'm looking for some nice, easy Bettas to breed and would love to see some pics
  15. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    Yea, I'd love to have a huge setup like that (the above link).
  16. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    I was considering slots underneath each compartment so all of the water flows between the middle partion and the rest of the tank, heating all of the units.
  17. They seem to look the same as mine and mine are just regular brown Bristle Noses. My female seems to change colour depending on the gravel she's on.
  18. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    Might see if the guy who made my two biggest tanks still does custom jobs. 6 compartments along the front, 6 along the back, heater and filter media in the middle and compartments on each end. Here's a plan of it: On an angle Plan (Birds eye) Should wait to see if I can actually breed Bettas before I get it made though.
  19. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    How much did that cost?
  20. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    I was thinking twelve or so compartments. How big is each spacein the aquaone barracks? I was thinking of using roughly 20x15x15cm containers.
  21. SamH

    Betta Barracks?

    How many fish does it hold?
  22. I too had goldfish. I only ever remeber one dying, "he" jumped out fo the tank. Gave them away when we were bored of them, got some more when we felt like it. I still have the tank, 28L now seems way too small for four goldfish. I thought it was amazing that they survived in such a small place with no filter, just an air pump, but I now see that this is quite common.
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