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Everything posted by SamH

  1. If there's sick fish out there then don't import them. Only import the healthy ones! :lol:
  2. Where'd you get your's from ADodge and Billaney? I might go to HFF this weekend.
  3. Oh that. That could just be the angle she's at, perhaps gulping down some air?
  4. Yeah, I agree. Great response, just what I needed. Nice artwork too ADodge. I think that if I ever get round to breeding and if it's successful, then I'll use the coke bottle technique.
  5. Dear Betta/Siamese Fighter breeders. I'd like to know how you keep you males seperate when they start fighting? I know ADodge has a nice setup with old Coke bottles, but how do you do it? Thanks.
  6. Update on the DIY CO2: I was wondering why it wasn't producing any CO2 at the start. I shook up and squeezed the bottle and heard a leak coming from the top. Glue it up good. All seems to be runnings smoothly now, Betta loves to hang out under the bell and occassioanly gulps CO2 like he'd gulp air from the surface. Is this normal? Will test PH soon.
  7. It's stupid because one of the reasons most animals can be imported is because they're endangered. Yet when they're smuggled across the border, they get put down. That's really helping to save the species...
  8. Don't some dwarf Cichlid's have more of one gender of fry if the water is alkaline/acidic or above a certain temperature?
  9. SamH

    Unlevel Tank

    Yeah same. The tank in my room looks perfectly level but when you look at it from the side, the water appears to be sloping. It's really weird. Fish don't seem to mind though
  10. Perhaps you could ask you LFS if they'd look after them? Im sure HFF has the experience. Hope that helps.
  11. When I eventually breed him, which female do I pair him with? A. The baby blue platnium cambodian double ray butterfly, lots of eggs, very aggressive. B. The red cambodian platnium, heaps of eggs, not very aggressive. C. Solid red, hardly any eggs, fin damage, gets picked on. Please correct me if I'm wrong about any of the description of the fish shown. Thanks
  12. If I was bred specifically to look like what I am now, they've done a pretty good job!
  13. I think I'd care if I was bred specifically to look like that! :lol:
  14. Yep, that's a bubble nest. My fighter was building some quite impressive ones, not as big as the dwarf gourami's though, but he hasn't made any since he moved tanks. But one of my females makes bubble nests better than him.
  15. I agree. It's okay to breed better colours and fin types but when it harms the fish, it's just too far.
  16. A jar in the hotwater cupboard? Now that's a good idea. I'm about to start breeding my Betta's so I need all the help I can get. Any chance of some pics of your breeding setup?
  17. SamH

    Other Betta's?

    Thanks Dixon, that was a good thread. If anyone sees any other Betta's in Auckland, could they please contact me? I'm super keen on them and would like to get my hands on some. And how do I go about importing fish? Is it worth the hassle or should I just ask my LFS? Thanks
  18. I strongly agree with Dixon. I find balloon mollies and balck moors bad enough but some of these fish look horrible. Can they even swim? I get the point of specific breeding but this is just too far.
  19. If you can see how much the filter is outputing then that's a good indication. If the filter is flowing at a rduced rate then the media is probably dirty. My filters make a sort of grinding noise when they need cleaning which is annoying but also really helpful. You can check the media when you do a water change and if it looks filthy then wash it in tank water. It doesn't hurt to wash your sponge every week as long as you don't wash the Bio-media to much.
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