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Everything posted by SamH

  1. I like the substrate. Where abouts did you get it from? Collected or bought?
  2. Awesome tank Peet, nice contrast to the rest of the house. 8)
  3. The shelf isn't that strong at the moment but I'll do all I can to strengthen it. The shelves change be changed around but the just have to sliding bolts on each side and couldn't take the weight of the tanks. Ply will definately help but timber underneath each shelf is needed. Screws or nails?
  4. The corner lesg are 2 or 3 cms by 4cms, if that helps. Might put ply up the back and bracing under each shelf.
  5. Thanks Barry. Do you think that any additional support will be needed?
  6. I always thought that paint was toxic to fish? I was really keen on making one of these backgrounds but I was put off when I read that no paint is suitable for fish. Where do you get non-toxic paint from?
  7. So a beam from the top corner to the bottom corner? Also, what about under the individual shelves?
  8. My aquaone double flouroescent lighthood cost me $135 and that was on special! Where did you get all your lights from?
  9. I was trying to find a place to put just one more tank, as you do, and I saw that we had a nice little wooden shelving system. It's about 1820mm, 1220mm wide and 290mm deep. It's kind of wobbley, sways from side to side and seems to tip foward a little bit. I don't think it could hold anything bigger than a 1 foot tank at the moment and even then I'd be pushing it. I was thinking about putting braces underneath each shelf and perhaps taking out some (they're adjustable) to leave more room to work in and around the tanks. I kind of need an engineering/technical point of view on this one, what is the best way to strengthen it and stop it tipping foward? I'll try get some pics up when I find the camera but I've just done this quick SketchUp in the meantime. -Thanks
  10. Looks good. How would Bacopa do in that tank? In my regular full tanks it grows out of the water very quickly.
  11. I recently got some grass from Animates Mt Wellington (I think), cost about $11.00 but it's starting to spread out now. It's about 7 cms tall and looks kind of like regualr lawn grass. http://fuzzyneural.net/documents/image/aquarium/image-hairgrass.jpg
  12. Doesn't water from the garden hose have chlorine in it?
  13. I'm always scared of over feeding mine because I've heard so many stories of dropsy due to over feeding. I can't tell how fat the females are because they're so swollen with eggs! I agree, they aren't huge fish, apparently their stomachs are only as big as their eye I heard. Mine just eat flakes and are happy with whatever else they can get.
  14. Pointy thing? Do you mean his gonopodium? It's how most livebearers reproduce. Good luck.
  15. Where do all the pipes lead to?
  16. SamH

    could i use.

    I wouldn't risk it, especially with fish. Also, any residues left on the plants if they were moved into a tank with fish in it would probably go with them and kill the fish. I know aquatic ferts do cost more but at least you know they're fish safe and specifically designed for aquatic plants. Tell me how it goes if you do decide to use normal ferts. Good luck
  17. I actually agree with Scottie. Im new to keeping Betta's but mine doesn't mind the filter. It's a Rio180 and turns over 460 LP/H. He doesn't mind and is very happy at the moment. He can escape the current and I have a submersed DIY spray bar. He really enjoys his 54 Litre (60x30x30) and hangs out by the filter all the time. Good luck.
  18. I got two when they were about 3-4cms long, turned out to be a pair. They've bred twice, regularly chase each other and go nuts for cucumber. The big male is a bit scary but he's more nervous than the little female. They live quite happily in a 3 foot tank but don't seem to eat alage. Interesting fish to keep.
  19. No need. The heater always keeps the tank temperature the same no matter what the environment around it does, except if it's higher than the set temperature or if it's extremley cold.
  20. Looking good. Kind of looks simailar to this tank, sort of, perhaps? Nice job
  21. I agree with Vinson, very nice fish. Especially the blue one.
  22. Try this post: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=38219 May come in handy, but it's a bit more Betta specific. You can buy tank dividers at most good fish shops and some petshops. They're just plastic frames that stick or hook onto your tank on the inside and have a plastic/mesh in the middle, stops the fish from getting at each other. There's also ready made units with a built in heating and filtration system but those are a bit more costly. You could try get one custom made and that should be cheaper. Good luck.
  23. (Fourth one down) Overstocked much? The coffee table one would be awesome. The 5th and 6th one looks fake.
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